No Swamis will be spared, Pastors are welcome

via HK published on May 20, 2008

The communists of Kerala seem to be slowly coming out of their self spun cocoon. From the hey days of religious untouchability, the media is covered with news now of various Marxist ideological champions hobnobbing with suspicious God men.

Close on the heels of this another turn around has taken the cadre by surprise. The ideology that claimed religion was the opium of the masses has suddenly found new love in Christian preaching. The advertisement of a well known Christian convention has appeared in the 18 th May edition of the CPM Mout piece Deshabimani news paper, Kottayam edition.

The convention is taking place at Pambadi. The party has been in the forefront recently claiming to be fighting a war against man-gods. Its an irony that this advertisement popped up only in the party news paper and not in any other publication.

The ad came at a time, when P C George MLA called for probe the background of this pastor who accumulated huge wealth within a year. Foreign Missionaries are behind most of these Convention extravaganza aimed to convert naive Hindus.

The party cadre is citing many reasons from conspiracy to in fighting to cover up the issue.

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