Nehruvian Secularism at it’s best!

via H Balakrishnan published on November 26, 2008





This refers to the ‘frontpage’ of the TNIE dated 27 NOV.

Three ‘HEADLINES ‘ on the frontpage read:






(C) – Attack to impact MP elections

At a time when there is an “UNDECLARED WAR
ON INDIA” FROM THE “JIHADIS”, all that your maudlin newspaper could
think of ‘frontpaging’ – “Attack to impact MP elections”!! That’s “NEHRUVIAN SECULARISM” for you and me!!


On Deepavali you publish an arrant nonsense of an Article by Seema Mustafa,
as later events have proved. Today there is another ‘seditious’ piece
by that ‘SECULAR’ Jyoti Punwani. That’s your sense of proportion!! And
an “anticipated” edit on ‘freedom of expression and Goa’!!

Your reporting of date reminded me of an Article written by Gurumurthy in your paper of 14 Jan 2005, entitled: ” Will the `secular’ media heed Justice Reddy’s warning? “:   ” Finally, the highest court intervened in the Shankaracharya case effectively, and soothingly too. The media had to highlight the Supreme Court judgment, and did it well too.But it kept out of print an earlier and profound judgment of the Andhra Pradesh High Court on the very Shankaracharya
issue. Since the High Court had indicted the `secular’ media, the
judgmentwas effectively censored by the media, understandably.”

It is worth quoting at length excerpts from Justice L.Narasimha Reddy’s judgment, in so far as it concerns the ‘ SECULAR MEDIA’.
” In a way and in a sense, this writ petition demonstrates the extent to which the institutions of ancient origin as well as the concept of public interest litigation have become vulnerable.

It also indicates the abysmal levels, to which the norms of journalism have drifted.”


” Not only individuals but also a section
of institutions, such as, the State and Press, appear to be determined
to be belittle and besmirch the Peetham.”

” In the recent past, the freedom of the
prosecuting agency, and that of the Courts, to deal with the cases
before them freely and objectively, is substantially eroded, on account
of the overactive or proactive stances taken in the presentations made
by the print and electronic media.  Once an incident involving
prominent person or institution takes place,

media is swinging into action and virtually leaving very little for the
prosecution or the Courts to examine the matter.  Recently, it has
assumed dangerous proportions, to the extent of intruding into the very
privacy of individuals.  Gross misuse of technological advancements,
and the unhealthy competition in the field of journalism resulted in
obliteration of norms or commitment to the noble profession.  The freedom of speech and expression which is the bed rock of journalism, is subjected to gross misuse. 
It must not be forgotten that only those who maintain restraint can exercise rights and freedoms effectively.”


” If the
press clippings filed as material papers in this writ petition are
examined, it indicates the miserable levels to which the glorious
profession of journalism was brought to. A section of the electronic
medium has reduced the entertainment and journalism to nauseating

To say the least, the said news items and the
presentations in the networks disclose the way of thinking or the
standards set for themselves in the field of journalism, by those, who
are running the same.

persons who have contributed the news items and those who published
them have forgotten basic values of life, leave alone that journalism. 
Unfortunately,they are not rare exceptions.”


” Freedom of speech and _expression is a
concept “deduced” (to adopt the words of Sri Soli Sorabji) by courts
from the provisions of the Constitution of India.
  Though there is no direct provision in the constitution, the Courts, particularly the Supreme Court and High Courts
recognized the necessity and importance of a free press, to sustain a
healthy democracy and the corresponding right was carved out, through
the process of interpretation.
It was nourished and nurtured by the Courts by protecting it from the onslaughts, from time to time.  However, with the passage of time, the freedom came to be grossly misused by certain agencies.  Thanks to the contribution of a section of the press, such a sacred freedom was brought to nauseating levels.One
has only to realize that the courts which have “deduced” freedom of
speech and _expression and nurtured it for the past few decades, may
not find it difficult to redefine it, if it is found to have been
misused by certain persons or institutions, to the point absurdity.  It
is the cumulative effect of the various instances of the type referred
to above, that may bring about such a situation or rethinking in the
entire matter, and if that happens, the society may have to pay the
proportionate price.  The reason is that, freedom is always replaced by

Gurumurthy concluded his above referred Article by stating:

” Understand why the `secular’ media have not spoken a word about Justice Reddy? Because, it would shame them.”


I will go a stp further and state that the ‘secular English media’ in India IS THE PROBLEM. IT IS NOT THE SOLUTION.


THEREFORE – ” BOMBS GALORE “. Army denigrated. Now the Navy. Probably tomorrow the IAF.


Your paper was a ‘nationalist’ one to the core in the days bygone.



Today it is a ‘secular dishrag ‘ and I won’t mind adding – ‘secularly seditious’.




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