Nehruvian Secularism – A ‘FRAUD’ perpetrated on the Nation

via H Balakrishnan published on October 9, 2009


Dear Sir,

Reference ” Invoking the law is for commoners, not celebs “ – (TNIE-09 OCT).

Having closely followed the ‘secular discourse’ in our benighted country since the 90s, I have come to the irrevocable conclusion that the ‘Indian Secularists’ are ‘brain dead’. Chitra Padmanabhan is no ‘exception’.

She cites the example of M.F. Husain
– much discussed on the pages of your ‘secular’ paper! Either she is ‘ignorant’, or ‘feigns ignorance’, of a judgment in the Delhi High Court stating in a case on M.F. Husain:

” If one has been granted unlimited freedom, one is required or expected to use it for good purpose and not with malicious intention, to defame or degrade religious deities may be mythological, as these immortals are held in highest esteem and over a period become part of one’s day to day religious life to such an extent that anything adverse said or printed or painted hurts the religious feelings immensely. Any objectionable, demeaning caricature or painting of religious deities or gods or goddesses of any particular religion creates disharmony and ill will amongst different communities. Even if it is presumed that such a painting is a piece of art still one cannot be oblivious of the fact that depiction of these deities or goddesses in full nudity comes within the mischief of deliberate and malicious act intended to outrage religious feelings of concerned religion as these goddesses are worshiped by crores of people. …. Under the garb of freedom of expression no person can be allowed to hurt the religious feelings of any class of people. This should be known more to the petitioner who belongs to a different
religion. If the petitioner wants to gauge the depth and the unflinching nature of religious feelings he may venture and try his hand at his own or any other religion and see how sensitive religious feelings and beliefs are. Such acts promote enmity between different groups on grounds of religion and arc prejudicial to maintenance of harmony – – “

Besides, the Chitra Padmanabhans et al will never quote a ruling in Britain over a similar issue!! In England, a video work titled Visions of Ecstasy was not cleared by the censors
on the test that :

” The question is not one of the matter expressed, but of its manner, that is,the tone, style and spirit, in which it is presented. The video work submitted by you depicts the mingling of religious ecstasy and sexual passion, a matter which may be of legitimate concern to the artist. It becomes subject to the law of blasphemy, however, if the manner of its presentation is bound to give rise to outrage at the unacceptable treatment of a sacred subject. Because the wounded body of the crucified Christ is presented solely as the focus,and at certain moments a participant in, the erotic desire of St. Teresa, with no attempt to explore the meaning of the imagery beyond engaging the viewer in an erotic experience, it is the Board’s view, and that of its legal advisers, that a reasonable jury properly directed would find that the work infringes the criminal law of blasphemy.” 

The Censor Board’s views were challenged and the challenge went upto the European Court of Human Rights, which held that

” Having reached the conclusion that they did, as to the blasphemous content of the film, it cannot be said that authorities overstepped their margin of appreciation. “

More recently, the New York Times, from that ‘Land of Liberty’, with the Constitutional safeguard of the ‘First Amendment’ , available to its citizens, carried a report on 12 Aug 2009, entitled: ” Yale Press Bans Images of Muhammad in New Book “ !! The report stated, among others:

” So Yale University and Yale University Press consulted two dozen authorities, including diplomats and experts on Islam and counterterrorism, and the recommendation was unanimous: The book, “The Cartoons That Shook the World,” should not include the 12 Danish drawings that originally appeared in September 2005. What’s more, they suggested that the Yale press also refrain from publishing any other illustrations of the prophet that were to be included, specifically, a drawing for a children’s book; an Ottoman print; and a sketch by the 19th-century artist Gustave Doré of Muhammad being tormented in Hell, an episode from Dante’s “Inferno” that has been depicted by Botticelli, Blake, Rodin and Dalí”.  Self explanatory ??

In stark contrast, ‘Nehruvuan secularists’, condemned the Danish Cartoons , but at the same time support M.F. Husain – all in the name of ‘Freedom of Expression!! Sic !!

I have another query to this ‘secular worthy’.

Where was she, when French journalist Francois Gautier’s exhibition on ‘Aurangzeb’, was vanadalised by the Nawab of Arcot and his fellow ‘Jihadis’, in Chennai some months ago ? Similarly, the furore about the M.S. University exhibition sometime ago. The media (all of the except the Pioneer), hid from their readers that the art student’s painting, apart from the deragatory Durga, also included Jesus in the nude, with his penis hanging over a W.C. Let me see Chitra Padmanabhan’s ‘activism’ for that painting to be exhibited all across India. I will doff my cap in salute. But we are aware of the  typical ‘Indian secularist’s’ rationalising , which would be that Gautier & Co should not have hurt Christian/Muslim sentiments. Agreed, dear Editor?

In short, let me put it bluntly: Indian – nay – Nehruvian Secularism – is a massive FRAUD perpetrated on the Nation. No more. No less. Period.

These puerile secular rants, in differing guises, makes me feel like puking – when I read them, first thing in the morning, spoiling the lingering taste of the good & fresh degree coffee !! Have a Nice Day !!


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