Need to form a media ombudsman – An Open Letter and appeal to Dr Swamy

via Aron published on December 4, 2010

An Open Letter and appeal to the President of the Janata Party -Dr Subramaniam Swami

Dear and Respected Dr Subramaniam Swamiji,

In this hour of all round collapse of values in Political arena of this
unfortunate but great country, the people look with hope and immense
admiration towards you for single handily taking on the rot and
bringing about the change in spite of themselves by an outstanding
display of Chatriya spirit in Defence of Truth.

The Indian media has for long has been carrying on with its ant-National and anti-Hindu agenda, as a normative way of Reporting.

It has done already incalculable damage to the country and its image-
encouraged every evil force to take deep roots and has been spraying
its toxic ideas on the soil so no sprouts would grow that are
Nationalist, except the weeds and the nation make a rich harvest of
poison that it sows.

We believe the time has come to halt its workings that are clearly
unethical and if scrutinised by a Court of Law found criminal.

The Press Trust of India has failed miserably to do its purpose.

What we need is a high Power legally binding Ombudsman to be created
and to which all this slanted and one sided and offensive propaganda
could be brought in,

All documents of Press and media reports over the years- a kind of enquiry commission

Wherein they are thoroughly studied and judged, and a clear directive obtained.

I request you to apply your thoughts on the possibility, feasibility,
legal vistas that are available for its demand and constitution through
the Court, and the ways and means that should be better visualised by
your keen and admirable mind, so that India would have its relief from
this army of Falsehood at home working for her destruction be stopped
in its tracks.

I make this appeal merely as a private citizen, an admirer and a free lance Online Journalist.

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