National Geographic Channel, Tarnishes Indian culture

via Dr.N.Gopalakrishnan published on February 25, 2007


On 24th  February, 2006    from 8.00 PM (Indian time), National Geographic Television Channel   telecasted  negative show  against  Indian culture on ‘Black magic  and  which hunting’ as though it is existing in Indian culture.  

This is nothing to do with Indian dharma and heritage. Taking the pictures of few ladies and men who are drug addicts, terribly derogatory, defaming and maligning show against  our culture was
telecasted. It is being continuously telecasted by NATIONAL  GEOGRAPHIC CHANNEL for  many times on various subjects.

World over thinkers, scholars and  scientists  are  unanimously   welcoming the great Indian heritage while  The National Geographic TV Channel  is the only channel spreading
these  negatives cruelly tarnishing and creating a wrong impression against Indian culture.

Send your protest to [email protected] and inform them  that Indians  are not   the generations of  those who  cruelly massacred/ hanged /burnt alive 60,000 poor innocent  women (in the WEST)  in the name of witch hunting and supporting god ( the number from Encyclopaedia Britannica –  2004 edn, under  “witchcraft”)  this number is only a small part of the historians’ number of 2 million innocent women killed in the name of god /priesthood / clergy  based on the message from Exodus 22:10 “though shall not suffer a witch to live” in the west .  “in the name of god they found it desirable and salutary to plunge countless  innocents into the darkest abysses  of human cruelty. No other religion ever cultivated such heights of perversity” (Malleus malefic arum)  We proud Indians  and our  forefathers were/ are  holy, scientific and rational  for the last ten thousand years.

This type of cooked up recorded TV  materials against Indian culture are being   telecasted many times by NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC CHANNEL.  We protest strongly and request them to stop these negatives.  You cannot kill Indian culture and spread your thoughts here.

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