Muslim Seperatism and ‘Secular’ negationism!

via H Balakrishnan published on November 7, 2009


Dear Sir,

Reference Faizur Rehman’s  ” Song against Islam’s monotheist tenets “ – (TNIE-05 NOV).

For starters, if a ‘ Kafir ‘ desired to understand the principle of  ‘duality in Islam’ and ‘al Taqiyya’ (deception),  Rehman’s Article is a good example !!

‘Al-taqiyya’ or ‘dissimulation’ refer to the practice of Muslims blatantly lying to non-Muslims, but the principle goes beyond mere lying for propaganda purposes. In accordance with this license to deceive, during time of weakness, the Quran allows Muslims to have both a declared agenda and a secret agenda. The theological principle of Taqiyya means hiding one’s true beliefs and intentions to confuse one’s adversaries and enable mujahedeen to operate freely amongst enemies.If the end result of the lie is perceived by the Muslim to be good for Islam or useful to bringing someone to “submission” to Allah, then pretty much any lie or act can be sanctioned. Indeed it is common practice for Muslims, especially leaders, to lie about any war or conflict involving Muslims vs. non-Muslims.

Let us turn to ‘duality in Islam’.

The complete doctrine of Islam is found in three texts: Koran, the Sira (Mohammed’s biography) and Hadith (stories and anecdotes about Mohammed) — the Islamic Trilogy. The Koran breaks down in time into Mohammed in Mecca (the early part) and Mohammed in Medina (the later part). In essence, there are two Korans, one written in Mecca and the second Koran written in Medina.The Koran defines an Islamic logic that is dualistic. Two things which contradict each other can both be true. In a unitary, scientific logic, if two things contradict each other, then at least one of them is false. Not so in dualistic logic. All of the doctrine refers to two classes of people—Muslims and non-Muslims, kafirs. The doctrine that applies to kafirs is political in nature and is rarely neutral or positive. The part of the doctrine that applies to Muslims is cultural, legal, and religious.As an example: “  “You have your religion and I have mine” 109:1″ is a far cry from “I shall cast terror in the hearts of the kafirs. Strike off their heads…” 8:12. Further, Islamic scholars have held that the ‘latter verses’ of the Holy Koran, abrogate the earlier verses !!

This ‘dualism’ is best explained by media reports of the AIMPLB spokeperson stating : We love India. But we cannot sing Vande Mataram !!

A plethora of open source publications, subsequent to 9/11, that can be accessed on the Net, clearly indiacte that Islam is a politico-religio-socio ‘ ideology ‘.Thus, approximately 67%
of the Meccan Koran and 51% of the Medinan Koran is political. About 75% of the Sira is about what was done to the kafir. Roughly 20% of the Hadith is about jihad, a political act.
Even the concept of Hell is political, not religious. There are 146 parts of the Koran that refer to Hell. Only 4% of the people in Islamic Hell are there for moral reasons, such as  murder, theft or greed. In 96% of the cases the person is in Hell because they did not agree with Mohammed. This is a political charge. In short, Islamic Hell is primarily a political prison.

The foregoing clearly indicates the reason for ‘Muslim Seperatism’ from the national mainstream of the host societies. Thus on 31 Oct, in the U.K.,  Abu Rumaysah, spokesman  for pro-sharia campaigners ‘ Islam4UK ‘,stated  ‘ Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II would be forced to wear a burkha under sharia law ‘ and,  ‘ Buckingham Palace would be renamed  ‘ Buckingham Mosque ‘.. How is this any different from the refusal to sing Vande Mataram?

If further proof was needed, Syrian-born psychiatrist Wafa Sultan’s recently released and vigorously argued jeremiad – ” A God Who Hates ”, tells the reader the reasons for the
‘Momins’ seperatism. Wafa Sultan is currently forced to lead a clandestine existence in America, due to the repeated, ongoing death threats she receives for her own “apostasy.” 

In a riveting review of the book, Dr. Andrew G. Bostom, editor of the classic ” Legacy of
Jihad: Islamic Holy War and the Fate of Non-Muslims”, wrote: ” She argues compellingly that traditional, mainstream conceptions of the God of Islam, Allah, and his Apostle Muhammad, bear ultimate responsibility for the bellicose aggressiveness, intolerance, and misogyny that pervade Muslim societies “.  Again. ” And in response to the query, ‘ Why do they hate us?’ Wafa Sultan provides these answers: ‘ Because Muslims hate their women, and any group who hates their women can’t love anyone else ‘.  People [then] ask, ‘ But why do Muslims hate their women’? And I reply, ‘ Because their god does ‘.. How then can Vande Mataram be sung by the ‘ Momins ‘?

This mental make-up, due to the tenets of their ‘cult’ was clearly seen by some of our stalwarts of the Freedom Struggle. Lala Lajpat Rai, for example wrote to Deshbandhu C.R. Das,
in 1924:
” I have devoted most of my time during the last six months to the study of Muslim History and Muslim Law and I am inclined to think that Hindu-Muslim unity is neither possible nor practible – -. I am also fully prepared to trust the Muslim leaders, but what about the injunctions of the Koran and Hadis? The leaders cannot override them”.

Sri Aurobindo to a disciple on 13 Jul 1923:
” You can live amicably with a religion whose principle is toleration. But how is it possible to live with a religion whose principle is ‘ I will not tolerate’? How are you going to have unity with these people?”

I harbour no doubts whatsoever that Lajpat Rai, Tagore, Aurobindo et al will be dubbed ‘COMMUNAL’ by our present day Indian ‘SECULARISTS’, for their daring to speak the ‘TRUTH’!!

If Faizur Rahman desired to write about ‘ethnic cleansing’ of Muslims as glorified in Vande Mataram, he treads into ‘dangerous territory’!! I am sure he must have read about the ‘Lal Ishtahar’ (Red Pamphlet), that was circulated all over Bengal after the ‘first’ Muslim League meeting in Dacca in Dec 1906. It was the handiwork of Samiullah, the Nawab of Dacca.
Here is what the ‘Lal Ishtahar’ stated: ” Ye Musalmans, arise, awake! Do not read in the same schools with the Hindus. Do not touch any article manufactured by the Hindus. Do not give any employment to Hindus. Do not accept any degrading office under the Hindus. You are ignorant, but if you acquire knowledge you can send all Hindus to ‘JAHANNUM’ (Hell). – – If you become sufficiently enlightened, the Hindus will starve and soon become Mohammedans”.

The ‘ Lal ishtahar ‘ was the catalyst for the ‘communal riots’ that followed in East Bengal.  Here are the words of H.W. Nevison of the Manchester Guardian, who was present there:
” Priestly MULLAHS went through the country preaching the revival of Islam and proclaiming to the villagers that the British Government was on the Muslim side, that the Law Courts had been specially suspended for three months and no penalty would be exacted for VIOLENCE DONE TO HINDUS, or the loot of Hindu shops, or THE ABDUCTION OF HINDU WIDOWS. A ‘Red Pamphlet’ was circulated everywhere maintaining the same WILD DOCTRINE. – – – the Hindu population took refuge in any ‘pukka houses’, WOMEN SPENT THE NIGHTS HIDDEN IN TANKS, MANY WIDOWS WERE  CARRIED OFF.The crime known as ‘GROUP RAPE’ increased – – -.”  What says Faizur Rahman?

And, if any further proof was needed that it was ALWAYS the Muslims that lit the sparks of the communal riots, a reading of the superbly researched book “Riots & Wrongs”, written by a
former IB Officer – Shri RNP Singh – will dispel any doubts. He has traced the communal riots in India from 1719 todate. In every case, the ‘BELIEVERS’ lit the spark of communal conflagration !! He also concludes that it is the tenets of Islam as contained in the Koran and Hadis that are responsible for the communal riots.

To conclude, and to put the current Vande Mataram controversy in perspective, it is best to quote a perceptive Bengali writer and thinker,Shri Shiva Prasad Roy (in 1982):  ” Pakistan and Bangladesh are THEIR FIXED DEPOSITS. No one else can lay a claim on them. INDIA IS A JOINT ACCOUNT. PLUNDER IT AS MUCH AS YOU PLEASE.” Says it all?!!

For the record, I regret my inabilty to go along with Faizur Rahman’s ‘Al Taqiyya’!!


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