Minority Quota in TN-Bull: Come and Hit Me.

via Surinder Paul Attri published on April 8, 2007

1. At this point in time, the big story is about the  initiation of a quota system in Tamil Nadu. This is the latest in the sequence of follies of the Tamil Nadu government. They are severely and utterly stuck in the myth of composite culture, and the equality of all religions baloney. Reservation for Moslems and Christians in government services and educational institutions is considered by them, as a short-cut to the uplift of backward classes. This is their standard off-the-shelf solution for the elimination of poverty of backward classes. Most of these politicians are Hindu, but they give two hoots about the welfare and survival of the Hindu.

2. What does not enter into their calculation, are the un-intended consequences, that are sure to follow. This is not the first time that, appeasement of minorities has been tried, Hindu politicians in India. First, duration the Khilafat, then during the Partition, and then during the Post-Partition period of Phoney-Liberalism, accommodation with the Moslem and Christian minorities has been tried, with results that are nothing short of disaster. In spite of this terrible experience, the phoney-liberal politicians never tire of praising the desirability of composite culture, and that Hindus should be thankful to the Moslems ( and to the Christians ), for the latter’s contribution to the composite culture. What they fail to recognize is that it is the wrong concept, and that it is totally inappropriate, and that it is putting the Hindu on the death row, in the not too-distant future.

3. What does not enter the calculations of the Phoney-Liberal politicians is the demographic expansion of Moslems, and the burgeoning activities of the Christian missionaries. The fattening of both Moslem and Christian numbers is running apace, and Hindus are being outnumbered at more and more places. Whatever resistance to reservations for Moslems and Chrsitans had existed beforfe, has now totally evaporated, after the installation of the Phoney-Liberal government of UPI in India.

It is not at all visible to the phoney-liberal politicians, who are wearing blind-folds, that :
To the Moslems, the Non-Moslem Kafirs are the most despised sections of the population. To the Christians, the Non-Christian infidels are headed for hell, they must surely be saved from going to hell, by force, fraud, treachery and torture. Both Islam and Christianity are competitive in this area, and the slaughter of the Hindu, at the hands of both these creeds is sure to follow, in the not too distant future. The non-existential toleration of the Moslem and Christian mind is a sure guarantee of this outcome.

4. Of course, Hindus are tolerant and polite. But we could drown ourselves in politeness. The trend toward damage and destruction of the Hindu, is more likely to persist than reverse, conditions being what they are, and the virtues of the composite culture being painted in the brightest colors, and glowing tributes being paid to it, by the phoney-liberal politicians of India. The negatives of this kind of composite culture are being played down. Hindu power, culture, influence, and demographic strength are being diluted and demolished step by step, city by city, district by district. The Hindu culture which is the native and presidential culture of India, which is a culture of give and take, which is a culture of humanistic concepts, is being replaced by the barbarian ideologies and the Semitic cultures of Islam and Christianity, through the folly of the phoney-liberal politicians of India.

But the biggest folly, in this shooting-script, is the disregard of the Hindu, for his own welfare and survival. Though the Intellectual and Financial Resources of the Hindu, are far in excess of corresponding resources of the Moslem and of the Christian, the Hindu is prepared neither mentally nor psychologically, to get his act together, and prepare himself for strong countermeasures. In other words, the Hindu’s guns are jammed. This jamming suspends all determination and working of the Hindu system, it puts the Hindu in the gun-sights of the vipers of Islam and Christianity, and invites both these sadistic-savages, to take pot-shots at the Hindu.

It is like displaying the red-rag before the bull, and telling him:

Bull: Come and Hit Me.



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