Media Bias in ‘Smiling Budhha’ and Chandrayan Episodes

via HK published on September 26, 2009

Recently Two issues received much attention of National and International Media  – The so called failure of ‘Smiling Buddha’ claimed by Santhanam a Nuclear sceintist and the success of Chandrayan claimed by ISRO in dicovering water in Moon.

It is understandable when International Media try to project Pokhran-II as a failure and to downplay success of Chandrayan dubbing it as an unnecessary attempt by a poor Nation and most of the media adviced India not to compete with developed nations, instead to look after the poor in the Sub continent.

But what is interesting is that in most of the reports dedicated to blame Pokhran our National Reporters will make sure the name of BJP, NDA and Vajpayee will be mentioned here and there. There is nothing wrong in tha as well. For factual reporting they should give the background of the whole project as well.

The double standards of these National media is evident when it comes to report the Success of Chandrayan.

Isnt’it worth remembering that it was Atal Bihari Vajpayeeji while addressing the independence day in 2003 first announced about Chandrayan?

Why not the media which unnecessary slams Vajpayee for Pokhran’s so called failure forget to appreciate the same person for Chandrayan’s success?

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