Mathrubhumi’s malicious mud slinging

published on June 18, 2006

Decades ago, several nationalist leaders like K.P.Kesava Menon, Kurur Neelakantan Namboothiri, Kelapanji, K.A.Damadhara Menon, P.Govinda Menon, Moorkothu Kunjappa, and many nationalist Hindus worked tirelessly to establish Mathrubhumi based upon Indian national, and cultural tradition largely as a response to rampant anti-nationalist policies of British colonial rulers. From the beginning, Mathrubhumi was managed, directed and guided by several literary giants like Krishna Warrier, Kutty Krishna Marar, K.P.Udhayabhanu, and Koroth. Their commitment for cultural nationalism, fairness and ethical principles enabled Mathrubhumi to gain substantial readership.


Alas, such is not the case today. Two major business groups now control Mathrubhumi. Mathrubhumi has become less and less the newspaper of nationalism and more and more the newspaper of rancor and unremitting prejudice, most bluntly against Hindus. Mathrubhumi editor and journalists are slavishly pro-Islamist and communist in every way imaginable. They are emotionally partisan-with the partnership always on the anti-Hindu side. All of the Mathrubhumi reporters without exception take the position that religious conversion, jihadi terrorism, special preference for Muslims and Christians are good things. Because there are differences in degree, however, most secular Mathrubhumi journalists fail to realize that communists, Jihadi money mafia and agents of ISI are manipulating them.


Even the citizen who complains about “managed, distorted news” falls into the trap of thinking that journalists and editors have their freedom of choice.


The recent Mathrubhumi reports against RSS and Sangh initiated social, and educational services provide a good example of Mathrubhumi’s ethical malice and malicious intents. Mathrubhumi is busy smearing RSS, Hindu renaissance and the attempt to unite disorganized Hindus. A casual reader of the reports could see journalistic euphemisms, psycholinguistic programming, misleading facts, and unfair and potentially dangerous and manufactured stories. It must be that Mathrubhumi takes pleasure in spreading persistent, pervasive lies about RSS and Hindu unity movement in Kerala. What else could explain the credulous reporting of lies; half-truths and distortion of news about RSS and Sangh inspired social services? The inconsistencies, deceptions, and outright falsehoods about the reports are obvious and reflect the mindset of Mathrubhumi management and the chief editor.


Hindus, dwarfed by Muslim money mafia, communist political muscle and Christian business groups, are held to a double standard by Mathrubhumi, who forgot to mention the dedicated, sincere, selfless services of RSS. Mathrubhumi report is unfairly tarnishes the image of RSS, chastises Sangh organizations and blatantly ignores the obvious fact that jihadis are in collusion with Pakistan ISI. The biased, objectionable reports are consistent with Mathrubhumi owner’s proclivities, which wish to convey a less than honest conceptualization of RSS to the public. The malicious mudslinging of Mathrubhumi is an attempt to silence RSS and nationalist Hindus through implicit threats and to inflict irreparable psychic injuries to the majority Hindus in violation of all ethical standards.


These fictitious and fabricated reports reflect the current clichés of the left, and Muslim fanatics with superb accuracy. Mathrubhumi always reports against Hindus with certain angry vigor, particularly when dealing with anyone who says a kind word about RSS. But candid writing offends Mathrubhumi if it comes from the other side of the argument. That’s how Mathrubhumi came to deliver a libelous accusation against RSS. Much of Mathrubhumi’s hostility is an attempt to favor Jihadi Muslims and to please ruling communists. The reports based on false stories, and irrational myths about RSS do not apply only to RSS. This RSS hatred carries over to Hindus as well. When Mathrubhumi hate RSS, they hate cultural nationalism, our sacred heritage, and our social survival.


The Missing Panacea


Anyone trying to make sense of the anti-Hindu media must understand the mindset that pervades most of the westernized, Islamite media. This mindset is characterized by an extremely intense and deep-seated hatred of all things RSS and by extension, all things Hindu. The astonishing extent to which RSS is vilified in the media is part of the psychological warfare against Hindus. The psychological warfare and media manipulation is so powerful, subtle and pervasive for common citizens to understand its full dimension and complexities. As a consequence of our incapacity to understand and prevent such psychological warfare, all sorts of unexpected difficulties bewilder us. We provide our enemies opportunities to continue such mind manipulation by treating this soft war as if they were an exercise in journalistic liberty. This is patently not the exercise of freedom, but a misuse of freedom and ethics.


Journalistic rights encompass the right to pursue truth wherever it may leads, the freedom to inquire, to study and to evaluate without the deadening limits of orthodoxy or the corrosive atmosphere of suspicion and distrust. Mathrubhumi has fallen to low ebb on all journalistic standards and ethics. Mathrubhumi has lost both the capacity and the will to confront the real enemies and difficulties that threaten us.


Hindus must strongly oppose the further spreading of this poison among our people, and must break the power of those who are spreading it. It would be intolerable for such power to be in the hands of anti-national, anti-Hindu with values and interests that coincide with our enemies. Hindus must combat this evil power that has fastened its deadly grip on our people

and is injecting its lethal poison into their minds and souls. If we fail to destroy it, it certainly will destroy us.


Ant-Hindu Media determines the policy of the government and protects interests of the Muslims and Christians rather than the interests of the majority Hindus. By allowing anti-Hindus to control our media, we are doing more than merely giving them a decisive influence on our political system and virtual control of our government, and our destiny.  We are also giving them control of the minds and souls of our children.


Hindus must unite, reassess themselves, address the media bias, and voice their feelings forcefully with the hostile media. Hindus must tell the media in strong words and actions that they should not be trifled with.


There is no short cut to achieve our objective. Hindutva and RSS are the permanent fuel and ideological powerhouse. We have to propagate it with activism. If our enemies destroy our identity and culture, it will be the default of those who keep silent. We are still free enough to speak, organize, unite and act. Time is on our side. So act now before our enemies take away our freedom.

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