Marxist heroism against a defenceless woman

via HK published on August 11, 2007

Kozhikode: CPM comrades will appear in different forms to eyewash the public as they are masters in deception. They will portray themselves as Human Right activist’s, cultural leaders, advocates of Women Rights, defender of poor, champion  of farmers etc to hoodwink the public.


But the stories of Communist torture and brutality were often suppressed and won’t reach out the light. The heart breaking story of Vineetha Kottayi an ordinary woman from Kakkat a village in Kozhikode itself is enough to be aware of the true colour of their red flag.


Vineetha Kottayi was ostracized for more than 12 years by the CPM party for not falling to the dictates of the party thugs. When this bold woman withstood the boycott of CPM in their stronghold, it was hard to digest for the arrogant comrades.


At first it was threatening and later they resort to attack this defenceless woman. The party thugs satisfied themselves by playing heroism by trying to kill her flaming her up in fire. She was admitted in Kozhikode Medical College with burns all over her body two years back.      


Yesterday the Communist thugs again attacked her under the leadership of CPM leader E.C.Balan.She is admitted in Kuttiyadi Govt. Hospital with stab injuries.

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