Kudos to Dooradarsan

via HK published on March 15, 2007

When the whole visual Media in Kerala is boycotting Spiritual Gurus of Hinduism, Dooradarsan  came forward and set a nice example for other commercial channels to follow.


Dooradarsan ,Thiruvananthapuram, telecasted the Sampoorna Geetha Jnana Yagnam conducted by Swami Sandeep Chaitanya from Monday thru Friday at 9.30 pm. It was a new experience to Hindus in Kerala .


It is indeed a blessing for us to hear it and we are very thankful to Doordarshan for telecasting it for us. I do hope and pray that Doordarshan will keep on telecasting such spiritual discourses that really transforms us from our ignorance in life and beliefs, told a Devotee.

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