KRISTAPURANA – Latest from the imitation series

via GSK Menon published on February 15, 2011

Non stop imitation of Hinduism is the motto of the Desert Religion. Adding to the long list of imitations, is the latest one – KRISTAPURANA ! This fabrication is by one Fr.Nelson Falcao. He claims that he has been doing research (copying & imitating ) for the last 14 years at Jnana Deepa Vidyapeeth, Pune. Don’t be misled by the institution’s name, it is a cross bearer’s organisation doing cut & paste job.

The aim is as claimed by Nelson Falcao is to bring together colonial christianity and local population and culture (read: Hindus & Hindu culture ).
I ask my convert friends, why did you convert ? What spiritual benefit are you going to gain by converting and imitating ? Is it not more sensible to return to your roots and be a proud Hindu ?

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