Kerala model Aryan Invasion – Communists and the Church Join Hands in Kerala

via Prof. C. I. Issac published on June 10, 2011

It is in continuation of my earlier article on the same subject in the HK which posted on 20 May 2011. A Kerala model Aryan Invasion is to set sail ( )

Part II

“South India has pre-brahminic [read Hindu] past which links it with West Asia and the Mediterranean”. This whimsical yet premeditated statement was made by P. J. Cherian, the Director of Pattanam excavations while addressing students at Newman’s College3 Muvattupuzha near Kochi. He did not give just a conventional statement at gathering. It was well orchestrated with divisive and communal objectives reminiscent of Bishop Robert Caldwell [the author of the contemptuous work which indented to create an Aryan Dravidian dichotomy in India. His book titled: A Comparative Grammar of the Dravidian or South Indian Family of Languages] and such Christian missionaries who launched racial and ethnic theories of Aryan and Dravidian, north and south to undermine India’s cultural integrity.

Metropolitan Mar Apprem Mooken of the Church of the East in the capacity of the head of St. Ephraim Ecumenical Research Institute in Kerala recently issued a statement that attempts to trace the Syrian Christian link with St. Thomas after digitalizing 180 [said] rare documents related to his church. The veracity of the documents is obscure. In the light of the revelations of Charles Allen’s book “The Buddha and Dr. Fuhrer – An archeological scandal”, Published by Penguin Books an expert scrutiny is essential to Mar Apprem’s adventurous endeavour of digitalization of the 180 rare documents. Here, the centre of the citation is that the director of the Pattanam Excavation Project applauded the Metropolitan blankly and stated that such an edition of religious texts of St. Thomas Christians is a turning point in history. He further stated that recent excavations in Kerala have found evidence of 2000 year old port city at a site – Pattanam – where St. Thomas is believed to have landed in 52 C.E [Common Era]. One who examines the hermeneutics of the statements of both can easily trace the ongoing conspiracy to reduce Hinduism as a last bus to Kerala. How the much hyped Pattanam excavations corroborates the religio-politics of the Christian Church is thus becoming further transparent.

Col. Yule and Bishop Robert Caldwell made an attempt in the 19th century to place Muzris [Muchirike Muchiri Pattanam] at Kodungalloor. The paradox is that now the KCHR [Kerala Council for Historical Research] has identified Pattanam as Muzris not by geographical information system or indigenous literary sources but from the documents of a Portuguese missionary Bishop Francisco Ros S.J [1603-1604]. The description of Francisco Ros has been translated into Malayalam by Jacob Kollaparmbil as a reference [end note/cross reference] in his work “Historical Sources on Knanites” which published in 1986. KCHR admits this fact.

Now a wide conspiracy is going on in Kerala that hatched out by the Church-Communist nexus in order to establish Hinduism is an alien religion which migrated to Kerala after 8th century C.E. in order to full fill this hypothesis KCHR is in search of a few more new sites in the Christian centres of Kerala. For instance KCHR roped in Dr. Ajith Kumar, an art historian in the Department of Archeology, Kerala University and an active member of the Left Teachers Union. Ajith Kumar had discovered the “handle of a fragmented Roman Amphora’ from surface explorations at Alamthuruthu-Kadappra, the river banks of the holy river Pampa in 2007.  Thus he formulated the hypothesis that the said fragmented peace of amphora is evidence to ancient Roman connection to this place and hence St. Thomas arrived in this region. Thus he further extends the tentacles of his hypothesis that ancient port city Nelcynda as Chengannur. Thus he argues that an old country-craft boat jetty called ‘Thomakkadavu’ now located as a defunct canal of river Pampa as the site where St. Thomas possibly arrived to converts natives to Christianity in 52 C.E. KCHR now points out that Roman trade in Muzris extended to South Central Kerala. This conclusion of KCHR, based on the hypotheis of Ajith Kumar, is not surprising one since South Central Kerala spread along the river basin of Pampa has a dominant Christian population.

At this juncture in the last month Kottappuram Bishop while addressing the congregation of St. Thomas church Kodungalloor demanded the inclusion of the Kodungalloor St. Thomas church in the Muzris Heritage Project, which is the part Pattanam archeological excavations.  He categorically declared that the same church was constructed as a monument to Apostle Thomas. The relation between the promoters of the Muzris Heritage Project and the Church is reciprocal one. Several dubious international Christian interests are playing in the excavation works at Pattanam.  Particular media groups interest for the coverage for the forged/doubtful and exaggerated findings strengthening this hesitation. The most extensive coverage on Pattanam excavations has been given by only The Hindu [known for its pro-Marxist and anti-Hindu contours], and Deshabimani, [the mouthpiece of CPM] is bit suspicious while considering the fact that  Kerala has two dozen dailies which are totally silent on the Muzris Heritage Project.  Similarly out of one dozen Malayalam TV Channels, the CPM owned Kairali Channel provides extravagant coverage to Muzris Heritage Project Thus the strategic/un-holy nexus between the director of Muzris Heritage Project and the Christian Church is clear.

The opening of a Roman heritage project at Kodungalloor in the mouth of 224 km long River Periyar coincides with the shrine of St. Thomas at the upper Periyar basin [Malayattoor] is not at all an accidental coincidence. Pope John Paul II [head of the sovereign state Vatican] had unilaterally declared the upper Periyar basin as International Marian Pilgrim Centre! The present St. Thomas shrine at Malayattoor, as pointed out by C. Achuta Menon, who wrote the Cochin State Manual in 1911, was place of a Siva temple in ruins. Later it was converted as St. Thomas Shrine after granite cross made its appearance spontaneously inside the debris of the temple. Thus the upper basin of River Periyar and its mouth are now getting engulfed as a religious zone in the veil of an archaeological site and heritage project.

Part III

Retrieving An Ancient Roman City by the Communists and the Church

The major objective of Pattanam excavations was not unearthing a historical site. It was intended to implant a Roman settlement for implementing the Muzris Heritage Project. In other words, it is the reconstruction of a Roman Christian Colony with vaults arches and domes on the West Cost of India.

The crucial part of the two billion rupees Muzris Heritage Project is the rebuilding of the present Kottappuram market as a heritage spot with the grandeur of Roman imperial grandeur. [In the ancient Rome the market place known as ‘Forum Romanum’ was the chief public squire and epicenter of religious, social and commercial life. Balconies were built above the shops surrounding the Forum. Basilicas – a large oblong building used as a hall of justice and public meeting place in ancient Rome – were introduced 184 B.C.E by Porcius Cato I. His work was soon imitated by basilica Aemilia on the north of the squire and basilica Sempronia on the south]. At Kottappuram heritage reconstruction has been planned. As per the plan proposal the Church Squire occupies the centre of the market and surrounding the Church Squire heritage shops, food court, walkway and amphitheatre.

This pivotal part of the government funded Muzris Heritage Project shows the power and influence wielded by the Christian Church and also enormous but unaccounted foreign fund flowing in for the work. The Christian Church has the final word in Pattanam excavations and subsequent development of Kodungalloor into a Roman colony behind the veil of Muzris Heritage Project.

An amphitheatre is also coming up at Kottappuram. Amphitheatres are Roman buildings of oval form open with an arena surrendered by tires of seats. It is the hallmark of ancient imperial Roman architecture. The monumental Roman amphitheatre is the ‘Coloseum’ built in circa 70 C.E by Vespasian. But unlike Europe, amphitheatres are rare in the east and an exception is the one at Pergamum in Asia-minor [Turkey]. It has been decided to construct an amphitheater at Kottappuram boat jetty.

The State Government is also intends to open an academy at Gothuruthu for chavittu naadakom, a theatrical art evolved by Portuguese missionaries as a Christian alternative to Hindu art forms of Kerala. Chavittu naadakom is modeled after the European opera and ballet.

The custodians of the Muzris Heritage Project have ambitious but idiotic designs. Of one is 25 museums are to be opened in and around Kodungalloor. Is there such vast quantity of antiquities to be exhibited in these proposed 25 museums? When Kerala does not have such huge quantity of antiquities to be exhibited; the purpose of the proposed museums is different.

According to Christian Church St. Thomas was brutally killed by Brahmins. His mortal remains are exhibited at the Kodungalloor Church. Most of these museums are intended to exhibit Episcopal and evangelical cultural remains. This is the objective which is part of the proselytism and encroachment strategy. By reconstructing a Roman colony and preaching fake story of Hindu bigotry, hatred and high volt communalism shall gear up and subsequent demand for a Christendom in Kerala

Anyhow in the light of the above cited aspects it is very clear that some vested interest is dominant rather than national interest in the ongoing archeological excavations in the Pattanam/ Kodungalloor regions of Kerala.

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