Joshua project -“Bringing Definition to unfinished task”

via Nayan published on March 1, 2007

The Tag line of the the Joshua project is “Bringing Definition to unfinished task”. It is anybodies guess what this unfinished task is? According to the website, the mission and passion of Joshua Project is to identify and highlight the people groups of the world that have the least exposure to the Gospel and the least Christian presence in their midst. Joshua Project shares this information to encourage pioneer church-planting movements among every ethnic people group.

Anybody who had any doubt on the thoroughness of Missionary work and the money they are pouring into this. Should take time to go thru the Joshua Website.

Another Interesting thing I stumbled upon while going thru the website is their strategic Discussion. Take time to go thru this. I went thru one paper which discussed the strategy on creating Christian Community . It reads like this:


“The mission station is similar to a service station; not that this is the theory behind it, but this is the way things have developed. Historically, this is most understandable. After initial contacts with the people and alter surveying the territory, mission organizers selected key locations for “stations.” The missionary, usually a priest, moved in and began to contact the people in a systematic way. Catechumens began their instructions, usually with the help of a native catechist brought from an older station. A house was built. The missionary would start a small clinic where he dispensed medical services and advice. Eventually the need for a school to provide systematic education for the children would be felt. At this point lay missionaries or sisters would arrive, and perhaps a brother as well. A church built of native materials would be built, and classrooms and a more adequate clinic for a full-time nurse to work in.

For the most part, these developments would be greeted with enthusiasm by the local populace as signs of modernization. After initial distrust had been overcome, little force would be needed to get parents to send their children to the schools, particularly when commercial developments made it apparent that education was a ticket to jobs, and jobs the ticket to the money which would purchase the clothing, kerosene lanterns, axes, fishing and hunting gear, and specialty foods which the people so much desired.

A generation or two would pass. Within fifty years virtually everyone in the locale would have become Christian. Outstations would have been established in the countryside around the main station, and more catechists would have been trained, either by the missionary or, increasingly, by the diocesan catechetical centers which would have gradually been established.”


Yes, who says Missionaries won’t practice what they preach?

This is exactly what cunning Missionaries was practicing ,is practicing and will practice,Unless Hindus awake from their deep slumber

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