Jihadi Terrorism and Israel’s Lebanon attack

via Dr.TS Girishkumar published on July 21, 2006

Jihadi terrorism had once again demonstrated it’s ugly face through the serial Mumbai blasts. They had planted bombs in the busy and buzzing suburban trains of Mumbai, which went on as planned by the terrorists, killing more than two hundred Indians, and injuring thousands. And yet, the Government seems to be very soft on the Muslim terrorists, and what else the UPA government can do? They are supported by the Marxists on the one hand, and the Muslim League party on the other hand. These wise guys are to patronize and protect terrorist in this or that name, and they thrive. 


On the other hand, we see Israel bombing terrorists hide outs in Lebanon. And the Malayalam media, in their earnest efforts not to offend the Muslims in Kerala went out to condemn Israel’s attack on terrorism on Lebanese soil. They do not want to offend the Muslim population, for the sake of their publicity and circulation. They wanted to claim that they are secular. The only way to become secular in Kerala is to call any one who is a Hindu a fundamentalist, and any nationalist a fascist. Given their premises, Swami Vivekananda and Rishi Aurabindo were fundamentalists par excellence, and the Rani of Jhansi, Mangal Pandey and Vir Savarkar all fascists. So much for their secularism, which needs no further illustrations. When Israel bombs Jihadi training camps in Lebanon, they were simply doing so to keep Bet Lahem peaceful, the women and children in Israel can have peaceful existence. If they do not do so in the name of human rights or what ever it is, then they know too well than these elements are going to put their women and children to death through blasts etc., in near future. For them it is simply their existence and survival, and if they also keep quiet like India, there shall also be attack on their Parliament and there shall also be serial bomb blasts through out their small country. And why should a Muslim in Kerala or for that matter anywhere else be offended? Do they not belong to their respective nations? Indeed they do not feel that they belong to any nation, and that is why they find offence. They think and feel that they have a separate Muslim nationality. If India also bombed the Jihadi terrorist camps in Pakistan, I am sure that there would not have been any attack on Indian Parliament, there would not have been an invasion at Kargil, and there would not have been Coimbatore, Delhi and Bombay bomb blasts. It indeed is the mistake of the Indian Government to permit the Jihadi terrorists to grow. And our people simply die.


Marilyne Peter from Bet Lahem writes in her news letter,” the Palestinians demand land, and if it is given, they seem to be settling for peace. What do you think?” this reminded me of such demands in India, that my ancestors had to listen. The then Muslim leadership in India like Sir Sayyid Ahamed Khan, Jamaluddin Afghani (in reality he was not an Afghani, he was an Iranian shia, who simply pretended to be Afghani and Sunni), Muharram Ali Chisti, Abdul Halim Sharar, Muhammad Ali, Vilayat Ali Bambooque, Chaudhury Rehamat Ali, the Khairi brothers, Aga Khan, Abdul Khadir Bilgrami, Nadir Ali, Hazarat Mohani, Vahabuddin Khambo, Sardar Gul Khan, Ubaidulla Sindhi, Sayyid Sardar Ali Khan, Ashraf Ali Thanavi, FK Khan Durrani, Murtaza Ahmed Khan Maikash, Abdulla Suhravardi, Zulfikar Ali Khan, the poet Muhammad Iqbal and the like all had put forward an argument.

(KK Aziz, “A History of the Idea of Pakistan”, Vanguard Books, Lahore, 1997)


Let me put their argument in Aristotelian Logical form: –


The Muslims have a separate nationality from Indian nationality

The Muslim nationality is entirely different from that of Indian Nationality.

The Indian nationality is Hindu nationality


Two entirely different nationalities cannot live in one nation.

And thus:

The Muslims need a separate nation.


The Muslims must be given land for their nation to thrive. Once the land is given, then they shall live in good faith and peace and be very good neighbors to their Hindu brethren. There shall not be any problem and this shall be a very good and peaceful world. They also wanted a political party for the “emancipation” of the Muslims from the “slavery of the Hindus”. The Muslims wanted their land, not only in Israel, but also in India much before the Palestine problems. Sir Sayyid Ahamad Khan obtained the friendship of the British colonial rulers and went after them with this intention, and indeed, by giving land to the Muslims from Indian soil, the Englanders had nothing to loose. Jamaluddin Afghani did not like this attitude of Sayyid Ahmed, and used abusive words to insult him. He goes to the extent of calling Sayyid Ahamad a dog! To quote Afghani:


“The dog indulges in flattery to get a bone; wags his tail; and places his head on his benefactor’s feet, may he be from his own people or a foreigner. Man is worse than dog. What a surprise! He should leave the dog miles behind in flattery and self-abasement. If he has no tail, well, he has got a beard. (Sayyid had a long beard) Nasatuda-i-Marg Khan (Sayyid) had understood this point : he was always ready, on the call of his master, to wag his beard in order to earn crumbs of bread thrown to him. May God reward his expression of gratitude with more kindness from his masters!” (for the Persian original and its Urdu translation, see SM Ikram, “Yadgar-i-Shibli”, Lahore, 1971, pp.384-385.)


Afghani had his own other reasons to be so bad to sir Sayyid, which is another story. But whatever he was speaking against Sir Sayyid, the Minto Morley reforms came, and to the interest of the Muslims, Bengal got divided into Hindu and Muslim terms in 1905. Finally when the Muslims got their land within India in 1905, the very next year, in 1906 itself, they formed All India Muslim League party to politically direct their ambition of getting separate land. Some demanded the entire north of India to be given to Muslims, and some others demanded the area trans Yamuna for the Muslims. But none of this found success, the Hindus in the north of India are not senile ones like those in Kerala, and they resisted with all their might. Finally, it was in 1947, that their dreams met with some success with the strong backing of the British, and the Muslims took away portions of Punjab, Rajastan, Bengal, the entire Sindh, Baluchistan, Multan, Peshawar and the like. Now at least they were supposed to live in peace and harmony, as once said, they should be co-existing with their Hindu brethrens. But the moment Pakistan became a reality, a new song started all over Pakistan which went this way: “has kar le liya Pakistan, ab lad kar le lenge Hindustan” (Pakistan we took away from India with smiles now, but we shall fight and take the entire India in the days to come).  Look at that !


The brothers who were supposed to live in harmony with Hindustan had made terrorist camps and recruited boys below the age of twenty for their training. Their terrorist Universities train them, and once they successfully complete the course, then they become entitled to apply for highly paid jobs right from Al Qaida company to any terrorist company in the world. They would then be employed in the holy business of planting bombs in buses and trains to destruction of World trade centers. If they happen to die, which is the case mostly, then also they have no cause to worry. They die in the holy process for the religion of Islam, and they have their heavens promised with wide-eyed ‘Huris’ to attend to them. These youngsters are very sure of their luxuries in heaven. Some others are not picked up to be trained in Pakistan, but very capable trainers or ‘Ustads’ are sent to train them. Our Madni, who is in Coimbatore jail, could be one such plant of an Ustad. They make the youngsters eligible for heaven after death, and eligible for luxuries while alive in this world, through money poured in. These people go around planting bombs, attacking temples, and RSS head quarters.


It is the experience of India that Pakistan had never kept any promises, not only of living in peace and harmony, but also of any other things. As a matter of fact, whenever Pakistan was in democracy, the leaders did understand the futility of all these, but they were utterly helpless from time to time. Primarily, the religious pressure groups within Pakistan have an autonomous way in the name of Islam, and they do not listen to political leadership. Secondly, the Army never listens to political or civil authority, and they have their own ways. So in effect, Pakistan is a semblance of three major authorities, one never heeding to the other. Further, it is true that they took land from India in the name of Islam, but they never could make a nation out of it in the name of Islam. They found differences among themselves in the name of languages, tribe and sub sects within Islam religion itself. The Pathans, Punjabis, Baluchis, Multanis, Sindhis are all in different groups. The refugees from India and the Urdu speaking belong to another group. Indians who went to Pakistan in 1947 are still third grade citizens there. They have such internal differences and problems, and can never maintain themselves to consistency in any policy or principles. Thus, they could never keep their words.


The world must now remember one thing. It is with these shaky and shady characters that an atom bomb is resting. An atom bomb in the hands of Pakistan could any time appear with any terrorist company and there is no guarantee that this shall not take place. This indeed is a potential danger and concerned countries ought to take serious measures. India had been subject to Pakistani atrocities time and again, though our Army gives them good, our civil administration is too soft on such issues. And bombs keep exploding in our nation with modest intervals. India ought to take good lesions from Israel and destroy these terrorist training camps once and for all.



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