Islamabad’s Men in New Delhi.

via H.Balakrishnan published on February 19, 2007





This refers to Raja Mohan’s “All set on the western front”-


I regret to state that the sum and substance of the Article is goading ‘Hamlet’ to continue in the Congress tradition of sacrificing National Security interests at the altar of ‘peace with Jhadistan at any cost’!!


There have been a any number of persuasive sratategic analyses on Pakistan,both by our scholars and International Think Tanks,which run counter to whatever has been proferred in this Article.


In his incisive analysis,”India-Pakistan In War & Peace”,
(late) Mr.J.N.Dixit had written:


“Pakistan is not likely to agree to any practical solution of the J&K issue on the basis of ground realities and reasonableness in the foreseeable future.Pakistan’s unalterable objective is to capture J&K.The substance of its India policy is related to this objective”.


In a straight talking report on Pakistan,The International Crisis Group,in its report of April,18 2005,entitled ‘The State of Sectarianism in Pakistan’,wrote:


“President Musharraf’s lack of domestic legitimacy has forced the military to rely on alliances of convenience with the religious right based on the politics of patronage.The choice that Pakistan faces is not between the military and the mullahs;it is between genuine democracy and a military-mullah alliance that is responsible for producing and sustaining religious extremism of many hues”.


For example the fate that befell on the hapless passengers of the Samjotha Express on 19 Feb.


A brilliant analysis in the website NewsInsight,entitled ‘Musharraf’s Desperation’ of 09 Feb,concludes:


“Pakistan is at a crossroads. Musharraf is desperate to show some results from India to win his way to another presidential term. There is no reason for us to oblige him. In Pakistan’s present status, no one controls absolute power. Musharraf is dependent on the army. The army wants no more war with its own people. The people are split between secular and fundamentalist parties, and if they are jihadis, they have neither use for Musharraf or democracy. How is any deal possible with Pakistan which is impossibly surviving? Instability is looming ahead in Pakistan. We need to be on our guard. Meanwhile, no deals.


Our ‘Prince Hamlet’ would be rendering signal service to the Nation if he turned a Nelsonian eye to the pronouncements of ‘Islamabad’s Men in New Delhi’.



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