Invading the Sacred

via H Balakrishnan published on May 3, 2010

Dear Sir,

Reference the report with photographs ” Stir seeking right to worship “ – (TNIE – 03 May)

The report stated that the protest was staged inside the premises of the Kapaleeswarar Temple, Mylapore. The report stated film director ‘Seeman’ addressed the gathering. A cursory look at the Wikepedia told one that this film director’s full name is “SEBASTIAN” Seeman !! The Wikipedia entry also told one that this ‘worthy’ was arrested by the RCMP, Canada, on 27 Nov 2009, for making an inflamatory speech in Toranto on 27 Nov 2009, and was ” deported ” back to India ie disgracing India abroad. The Wikipedia searcher is also told, that this ‘worthy’ was arrested under the National Security Act on 28 Feb 2009. That makes this ‘ riff-raff ‘ a ‘ habitual offender ‘, and, TNIE publishes this bloke with photographs!! Well done Mr.Aditya Sinha!!

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That apart, the protest within the premises of the Kapaleeswarar Temple was for the ‘right to worship inside the Temple’.WOW ! Looks like this bloke is not aware of the fact that the Temple is Govt. controlled, unlike churches & mosques, and comes under the HR&CE Dept. of the TN Govt. A ‘ very-very-secular ‘ Govt. it is that TN has at present !! Now don’t tell me that the HR & CE Dept. of the Govt. of TN is practicing ‘apartheid’ in Temple worship? Is it so,dear Mr.Aditya Sinha? As for the archakas, they are also HR&CE Dept. appointed !!

Now that it has been established that Seeman is also ‘SEBASTIAN’ as per Wikipedia, the maximum discrimination faced by Dalit Christians are in the Churches across Tamil Nadu. There are any number of reports by Christian agencies as also the media to prove this point. From the book ” NGOs, Activists & Foreign Funds : Anti-Nation Industry “, it is seen from pp-176 : ” As per the data currently available on the CBCI website : ‘ The CBCI has over 200 members-bishops from the Latin, Syro Malabar and the Syro Malankara ecclesial traditions in the country among whom 155 heads of the diocesesof whom there are 3 cardinals, 29 archbishops and 123 bishops. There are 2 co-adjutor bishops (one of whom is co-adjutor archbishop), 12 auxiliary bishops and 36 retired bishops’. A squemish media and dishonest activists taking up the cause of dalits in Durban, in the U.S. State Department and in the European Parliament have never summoned the courage to ask the Catholic Church to make public the number of dalit and tribal bishops, archbishops and cardinals in their fold “. And there are CBCI reports itself highlighting separate pews & burial grounds for dalit christians in T.N. !! What is “SEBASTIAN” Seeman doing about this discrimination?

One also learns about the soft corner for the LTTE this ‘ worthy ‘ has. There were a number of reports in the Sri Lankan media, during the war, about the nefarious activities of the Jaffna Church in helping the LTTE. By extension “SEBASTIAN” Seeman, at the very least, tacitly supported the anti-Sri Lankan activity of the Jaffna Church?

In his scholarly research – ” Strong religion, Zealous media : Christian fundamentalism and communication in India”, Pradip Ninan Thomas wrote : ” While the relationship between Christian leaders and an explicit politics is absent at the national level, at the state level – – – and some of the states in southern India, this relationship is both visible and sometimes explicit “. And, Pradeep Ninan Thomas’ research was focussed on Chennai and the growth of the Christian fundamentalism !! And, he also wrote: ” In addition to churches numbering more than in any other city in South Asia, Madras has a large number of Christian institutions sponsored by the churches. – – -. These statistics need to be revised given the tremendous church growth that has taken place in Chennai and in Tamil Nadu in general “. Probably explains the ‘bravado’ of “SEBASTAIN” Seeman & Co to ‘ Invade the Sacred ‘ at the Kapaleeswarar Temple.

In this sordid episode the HR&CE Dept. of the Govt. of Tamil Nadu and the Police have to be roundly condemned for allowing such a despicable act to take place. But then, Tamil Nadu especially under Papa Doc, is well known for its anti-Hindu bias – one that goes by the nomenclature “Nehruvian Secularism”!! Anti-nationals like “SEBASTIAN” Seeman thrive in such an environment , instead of being deported to SIACHEN without protective clothing !!


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