Information dissemination:Need of the hour

published on December 11, 2005

Chinmay Bajekal

We are living in an age of rapid technological change, information explosion and increased media manipulation. The availability of accurate information and proper awareness at the right time determines the success of any task undertaken. Whether in the field of business, military, sports,
politics or even national awakening, information is the key to success in this rapidly changing information age.

In this era of information explosion and media manipulation, it is high time for Hindus to develop proper infrastructure to spread accurate information that is vital for the awakening of Hindu society. Hindu community must possess relevant knowledge and current information and must be aware of current issues affecting every Hindu community. Hindu leaders and community organizations should collect accurate information on common issues and disseminate information and data to create constant awareness. Such awareness would empower Hindus and helps them greatly in protecting the interests of the community. In times of crisis, people should not be

in confusion or fear, but should consolidate themselves and face challenges in an organized manner. Proper data, correct and comprehensive information, clear and constructive knowledge will enable Hindus to face challenges and develop effective problem solving strategies.

Unfortunately, for several centuries, Hindus were subjected to psychological, physical, and social pressure from invading Muslims and Christian colonialists. For decades, the Hindu destiny, mind and thought process were manipulated and misdirected by foreign interest groups and individuals aligned with foreigners. Their sinister motives and hidden agendas have torn apart our society and created disunity.

It is time for Hindus to awake from the slumber and organize and establish networks of individual and groups to collect and disseminate pertinent information. The need of the hour is for Hindus to build their own information system and media outlets in India and around the world. Accurate
data, statistics, and clear perspectives that would safeguard the interests of Hindus should be disseminated around the globe.

In this situation steps taken by Haindava keralam is highly commendable. Haindava Keralam has boldly undertaken the task of fulfilling a great need and has taken initiatives to face the challenges.

Hindus need to join together and assert forcefully to free themselves from the bondage and mental slavery. A new freedom struggle is needed. This freedom struggle shall not be fought in the battle field, but in the minds and hearts of the Indian people. It is a struggle to awaken the dormant Indian spirit that lies suppressed through centuries of oppression by forces inimical to Hindus.

Hindus who represent the oldest spiritual tradition, have a responsibility and obligation to unite and endorse efforts undertaken by organizations like Haindava keralam and work in an organized fashion with unity, purpose and goal directed vision to safeguard the interests of Hindus. For the
survival of Hindus, India, and the World, our eternal Hindu Dharma needs to be protected, preserved, practiced and promoted.

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