India marching ahead in Islamic growth rate

via H Balakrishnan published on April 18, 2010

Dear Sir,

Reference Bee Gee Vee’s ” India is marching ahead “ – (TNIE – 16 Apr) .

He wrote: ” One of the greatest enterprises the world has ever seen has quietly commenced: the Indian Census.  A fifth of mankind will be systematically counted, photographed (if over 15) ,  fingerprinted to create a biometric national database and, coupled with another massive exercise, be given a unique identification number “.  No doubt, much to be proud of !!

As the adage goes, ” The Devil lies in the detail “, and it was this “detail” that was sought to be ‘ spun’ under ‘ Operation Cover- up ‘ by the ‘secular’ English media, following the publication of the results of “Census – 2001”, especially the ‘ Religious Demography of India ‘ !!  We are aware of the  ‘ spun Articles ‘ that appeared in the pages of your and other ‘secular’ papers at that time !!  For speaking the TRUTH to the media about the ‘Religious Demography of India’Census Commissioner J.K. Banthia, was penalised by the ‘SECULAR’ UPA-1, and was shunted back to his parent state of Maharashtra !! It doesn’t pay to speak the TRUTH in  ‘ MERA BHARAT MAHAN ‘ !!  However, as the saying goes, Truth does come out !! And on Census 2001, it came out through the Net !! Here are some samples !!

On 10 Sep 2004, Rana Ajit posted on the Net an analysis of Census – 2001, entitled : ” Muslims’ spurt on borderline “. He wrote : ” The district-wise profile of the 2001 Census Report reveals that Hindus stand outnumbered by Muslims in at least six districts of Assam, two districts of West Bengal, one of Bihar and one of Uttar Pradesh. In many other districts, the gap between the two communities is closing fast with each passing day. And this is only a list of districts in the bordering states of the country. That these districts, where Hindus have turned into a minority community during the past decade, happen to be either on the international border or close to the border with Bangladesh, gives credence to the suspicion that the demographic profile of these regions have been distorted due to illegal infiltration from across the border. Adding to that is the generally high growth rate of the Muslim population “.

And something more troubling – remember Bee Gee Vee’s opening statement : ” A fifth of mankind will be systematically counted, photographed (if over 15) “.  Many from the ‘ 0-6 ‘  religious demographic profile of the Census 2001, would well be OVER 15 for Census 2011. Rana Ajit wrote about the ‘0-6’ profile of Census 2001 thus : ” The 2001 Census report, in its demographic map for the proportion of the Muslim population in the age group of (0-6 years), which serves as an overall proxy representation of the Muslim proportion in various districts, reveals that Muslims account for more than 21 per cent of the population in 109 districts, 18 to 21 per cent of the population in 152 districts, 15 to 18 per cent of the population in 170 districts, 12 to 15 per cent of the population in 134 districts and 12 or lesser per cent of the population in 28 districts.The national average of the Muslim population in the 0-6 years age group has worked out to be 18.70 per cent. This means that in more than 261 districts of the country, Muslims account for more than their national average population “.  ‘Elementary Dear Watson’ !! But then, WE ARE SECULAR – STUPID!!

In a no-nonsense and hard hitting piece, entitled ” India as an ostrich “ journalist Swapan Dasgupta wrote in the web portal on 13 Sep 2004 : ” India would have been
better off adopting the ostrich [rather than the peacock]. That bird is, like India, very big, even ungainly. It is unique in that its eyeballs are bigger than its brain. Consequently, it is incapable of fully comprehending its own environment. And, hoping the threat will somehow disappear. In the wake of the Census Commissioner’s contentious religious demography report, the Indian establishment 
[ UPA 1 had just ascended the Delhi Guddi!!]  has conducted itself in true ostrich style. Confronted by disconcerting statistics, it has chosen to combine embarrassment and funk. Like a good ostrich, it has tried to simultaneously bury its head in the sand and run away from a problem it wanted to conceal “.

And, what was the ” disconcerting statistics ” ? Swapan wrote : ” To take comfort in the self-serving belief that the Muslim population has grown by only 29.3 percent rather than 36 percent, as was initially hinted, in the period 1991-2001 is absolutely grotesque.  Statistical jugglery may indicate that the decennial growth rate for Muslims has fallen by 3.6 percent, which is higher than the Hindu decline of 2.8 percent, but the fact remains that Muslims are growing at a 9.3 percent higher rate than Hindus. The lower growth rate means that the community was multiplying even faster in the Eighties. Worse, it is dishonest to take comfort from the fact that there was no enumeration in Assam in 1981 and in Jammu and Kashmir in 1991. It is quite clear that had political turmoil not prevented the enumeration in these two states, the rise in Muslim population for the 1991-2001 would have exceeded 30 percent. The Muslim growth rate in Assam for 1991-2001 was, for example, a staggering 29.30 percent compared to a Hindu growth rate of 14.95 percent”.

And, from the National Security standpoint, Swapan wrote : ” Going by the new standards of statistical spin, we may as well arrange to exclude Bihar and the other black holes of
India from our per capita income calculations. The findings will certainly be more heartening. The question is: will they be more authentic? The disaggregated data punctures the smugness of those who imagined they had narrowly foiled a mammoth communal conspiracy. The Census clearly indicates that the Muslim population has been growing abnormally in the districts bordering Nepal and Bangladesh. In the border-belt districts of Uttar and Dakshin Dinajpur, Malda, Birbhum and Murshidabad in West Bengal, the Muslim population grew from 39.89 percent in 1951 to 52.50 percent in 2001. In 1951, only Murshidabad was a Muslim-majority district. Today, Malda has joined the list and by 2011, Uttar Dinajpur too may become Muslim majority. Indeed, the percentage of Muslims in West Bengal has grown steadily from 19.46 percent in 1951 to 25.20 percent in 2001. Between 1991 and 2001, the
Hindu population of West Bengal grew by 14.18 percent; the Muslim growth was 25.91 percent. It is the same story in Assam. In the 11 districts that comprise the former composite border districts of Goalpara, Kamrup, Darrang and Nagaon, the Muslim population has grown from 32.42 percent in 1951 to 40.37 percent in 2001. In Assam as a whole, the Muslim population rose from 24.68 percent in 1951 to 30.90 percent in 2001. There are now six districts in Assam that are Muslim majority. In 1951, there were none!”

” What has been taking place in eastern India is a long-term demographic transformation fuelled by both high fertility among Muslims and unchecked illegal immigration from Bangladesh. Instead of imbibing the profound consequences of this shift, our decision-makers seem more preoccupied with the fact that it is the BJP that is getting apoplectic — a classic case of shooting the messenger “.


In another ‘ honest report ‘ from the same , on 17 Sep 2004 and entitled : ” Census: Figuring out the truth “, encapsulated the views of Professor Ashish Bose, ‘ one of India’s foremost demographers with many books on the subject to his credit ‘.  According to Prof. Bose : ” The rise in the proportion of Muslims is because of a consistently faster growth rate when compared to Hindus over the decades. The Muslim growth rate has always been higher than that of the Hindus and all the other communities. And this is the second aspect that might raise concerns: even as growth rates of all the communities have been dropping, Muslim growth rates have dropped, but much less “. Further : ” Today both Hindutva parties and the secular parties distort the truth for their own political reasons. We cannot deny the very simple fact that across the various socio-economic spectrums, Muslim growth has been consistently higher than that of other communities. And religion does play a role. Muslims have been much less willing to adopt family planning practices as compared to other communities “.

Again. ” Bose was critical of economists and ‘secularists’ who only looked at socio-economic indicators and refused to see religious factors that also play a role.  ‘ Throughout the world, Muslim growth rates are higher. Clearly this has a religious implication. It does not apply to India alone. And we must accept this fact even if it is not palatable,’ he insisted. Moreover, Muslims form a high proportion in the ‘ border ‘ states of India. The highest proportion of Muslims are in the tiny islands of Lakshadweep in the Arabian Sea: 97 per cent of a population of around 60,000. Then comes Jammu and Kashmir, where Muslims form 67 per cent of the 10 million souls. Next is Assam where Muslims comprise 31 per cent and are a majority in three districts; then comes West Bengal where Muslims form 25 per cent of the population; followed by Uttar Pradesh with 18.5 per cent and Bihar with 16.5 per cent. ‘ No wonder the fear of Muslim increase is exploited, for there is perhaps some worry that in future Muslim majority areas might seek to do another Pakistan,’ Bose pointed out “.

And the KAYO PUNCH : ” Extrapolating these figures, Muslims might then number anywhere between 320 million and 330 million, and considering that the world’s largest Muslim nation, Indonesia, is seeing its population stabilise [currently at 180 million], India might well have the world’s largest Muslim population!  ‘ I would say that we should not even call the Muslims a minority. They are in fact the second largest majority and should see themselves as such’, insisted Bose “. How DARE “COMMUNAL ASHISH BOSE” speaks thus??!!

(URL :

Here is another ‘COMMUNAL REPORT’ from the  Centre for Policy Studies, Chennai. The researchers  Shri A.P. Joshi , M.D. Srinivas & J.K. Bajaj, in their ” Religious Demography of India – (updated upto 2001) ” concluded : (a) – ” The share of Indian Religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism & Jainism), in the region that comprises Indian Union, Pakistan and Bangladesh today, is expected to fall below 50% by 2061″, and (b) ” U.N. estimates for the population of these countries indicate that the share of Indian Religions in India by 2050 is likely to be 55-58%”.  NEHRUVIAN SECULARISM – ZINDABAD !!

The fact of the matter is that even an out-and-out ‘Commie Mouthpiece’ like the ‘ Economic and Political Weekly ‘, in its edition of 29 Jan 2005 , had to ‘grudgingly concede’ :  (a) – On an average every Muslim woman is giving birth to at least one child more than her Hindu counterpart, and , (b) – the adoption of family planning methods is quite low among Muslims “.

The ‘ foregoing ‘ then was what was ‘ COVERED UP ‘ by the ‘secular English Media’.  Shekhar Gupta, led  ‘ The Charge of the ‘ TNIE Cover-Up’ Brigade ‘ then. Who is going to be the Brigade Commander for ‘Operation TNIE Cover-Up 2011’?  Time alone will tell !!



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