India – an Italian Colony. Finnmecanica = East India Coy.

published on February 28, 2013

Things go at much higher speeds these days – horses to multi-Mach within a century. After Guns, Games, Spectrum, Nuke Power, Planes it is the Railways turn to be ripped off – by an Italian Company now.

East India Company was “chartered” for Trade in 1600 (Yesu Christu Era), became a Joint Stock Company in 1707, and in 1757 established “Company Rule”. The Company ruled India from 1757 to 1858 – a Hundred Year Rule, and after the Indian War of Independence (Sepoy Mutiny to you aulaads of Maculay and Babar) the Government of India Act was passed in 1858 by the British Parliament and we became a Crown Colony of Britain. Some Legal Brains have commented that the Government of India Act has never been abrogated, and we are still a British Colony; perhaps with the Queen’s Baton firmly in place.
The Italian Mafia-Merchant Class has taken less than fifty years to establish its Company Rule, and capture most of the Real Estate, Church, Education, Defence, Railways, Airways, Air Waves and other business.

And of course we all know who Rules in New Delhi.
Italy was never a “Country” until the early part of the 19th Century when Garibaldi and other Catholic militarists uniifed it after a series of bloody wars, after which they went on to form an Impero Italiano by conquering and “Colonising”. It became a “Republic” with a Parliament etc only around the same time as India became independent (nominally) of British Rule. Nevertheless, Italy has a Record of Colonising, and though they started late they colonised Eritrea, Somalia, Libya, Ethiopia – all of which are examples of nations and people totally ruined by Italian Rapacity, of the type that kills the bird which lays golden eggs.

Hindus NEVER learn from History, and are slipping from the proverbial Frying Pan into the even more proverbial Hellfire of Italian Christianity.

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