Imam’s Inam-Fatwa against Taslima Nasrin

via HK Correspondent published on June 25, 2006

Imam’s Inam

Syed Noorul Rahman Barkati, the imam of Tipu Sultan mosque, announced a reward of Rs 50,000 for the head of Taslima Nasrin.

Who is Taslima Nasrin?

Taslima Nasreen was born in August 1962 to a Muslim family in Myemensingh,Bangladesh. Noted writer,Physician, Feminist and after all a true Humanist.

What happened to her?

Taslima became dust in the eyes of Islamic fundamentalist of Bangladesh when she started exposing the atrocities of Islam against women and  Minority Hindus in Bangladesh through her Novels.She was forced to leave her home land due to Fatwas issued by Islamic Fundamentalist.

Following Death threat in Bangladesh she has been living in Exile in Europe, India and US.She now lives in between three cities Kolkata,Stockholm and Newyork.

The Novels banned

Her Novels Lajja,Amar Meyebela,Utul Hawa,Ko,Sei Sob Ondhokar were banned in Bangladesh .

Any bans for her book in India?

The communist Regime in West Bengal banned her book Dwikhandito written in 2003.Later the ban was lifted as a human right organisation in Kolkata filed a suit against Minority appeasing Communist ban.

Few questions left

1)Why Communist government in West Bengal is not arresting  Syed Noorul Rahman Barkati for issuing death sentence to her?

2)Why no uproar in Pseudo secular media, as seen when Vinay Katiar exhorted for self protection of Kashmiri Hindus from Terrorist?

3)Whether Christains in India also supports this Fatwa against freedom of Expression?(This doubt because Muslims gave you moral support in protest for banning Da Vinci Code) Are you people also planning Protest marches showing Solidarity to this Fatwa?

4)Taslima Nasrin stood for the rights of Minority in Bangladesh,which includes Christains also,Will you people issue statement against this Fatwa?

5)Whether the Imam Syed Noorul Rahman Barkati got inspiration from  UP Minority Welfare Minister Haji Yaqoob Qureishi  who issued fatwa by declaring a Rs 51-crore reward for anyone who kills the Danish cartoonists accused of lampooning the Prophet?

6)Why our Supreme Court haven’t warned former Fatwa issuers in strict terms and  reminded them they are not Parallel law makers in our Country ?

7)Why the left brigade and Human Right activist in India who used to cry out when a crow died in Palestine or when a Terrorist was shot, Silent in this matter?

8)Till how long our governing authorities expect a vast majority of  Hindus will sit as silent spectators watching all these  arrogance of these Imams?

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