HK Exclusive – Beware, Love Jihad in Disguise

via HK Correspondent published on February 28, 2010

In spite of all the publicity provided through various medias, the numbers of Hindu girls falling in Jihadi cobweb are on the increase, but they go unnoticed since such incidents are taking place in different disguise mostly in villages. One such incident has come to the knowledge of HK in a village close to Madani’s headquarters in Kollam district. The girl, an Ayurvedic doctor hails from a middle class Hindu family and she was practicing at a hospital close by. A wealthy NRI Muslim businessman aged 45, married and father of two children happened to be our lady doctor’s patient during one of his holidays and gradually their relation went beyond the doctor-patient limits. In a few months time, the patient married the doctor with the consent of her parents. What is understood from relatives of the girl has been that her parents in fact sold the girl for about 1.5 crores rupees. The booty included a villa at Kochi worth over 1 crore, admission for Ayurvedic MD (about 15 lakhs) and about 20 lakhs for the parents of the girl to clear a few debts they already had. What a clean deal! The businessman’s first wife and two children are happily staying at their house in Kerala and his newly wed doctor wife stays with him in a Gulf country.

It is doubtful whether we could term this as love Jihad since parents of the girl was involved in the deal. But the modus operandi is not any different. In this case, the parents fell for the huge sum offered by a person and he was successful in cultivating the relationship. The media and public goes behind such events when it takes places among the poor people, but goes unnoticed or neglect when happens with the rich. Seldom has the public bothered about the marital status of the bridegroom and their attention and care remain confined to the tasty Biriyani served at reception. Money could buy anything and everything in Kerala and no wonder that parents of this girl remain happy when they got all the things they demanded. Every active Hindu organization must apprise their members to remain determined and vigilant against these evils booming in the society. Like the children, parents too are falling for the money and pleasure. This definitely is a thing to reckon with and deal immediately.

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