Hindus starved to death in J & K – American Think Tank

published on May 24, 2013


        Not content with the complete uprootment and expulsion of Hindus and Sikhs from the Kashmir region the Wahabi regime of India ’s J&K State seems to have started exterminating the infidels by starving them to death exactly the same way as the Nazis used to get rid of the Jews. Diversity-USA, a National Democratic Think Tank in America , has strongly condemned this new callous and criminal trend emerging in the Muslim politics of the only Muslim majority state of India which is predominantly ruled by the Sunni Wahabis of the Kashmir Valley .
            The case in point is that of Shri Kamal Ji (35), a Kashmiri Hindu who was housed in government built Jagti Satellite Township (JST) by the authorities. The JST was established in the Jammu region, following the communal policies by the Indian and Kashmir Government’s, against the heavy opposition by all Hindu organizations. As it turned out JST might have been a pre-curser to building a proposed “Nav-Srinagar” or Twin-city. The officials from Srinagar to Delhi proclaimed JST to be a heavenly abode for the homeless Hindus from Kashmir where blessings from heaven were supposed to make life worth living once again.

            That illusion however,  was exposed by Mr. Rakesh Bhat, one of the representatives of the JST dwellers while responding to the comments made by a fifth generation young lady of the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty (Priyanka Wadra). Ms. Wadra had said that “after establishing peace in J&K we will surely work for the restoration of the Kashmiri Pandits”. Mr. Bhat replied “forget about restoration, see the plight of our people in Jagti Camp, no water, no electricity, garbage every where and abundant bad smell has enveloped all the dwelling space of KPs”
            The Pandits who have experienced dehumanization, discrimination, the decimation of their society and displacement at the hands of Sunnis through all the seven exoduses knew that these settlements were not going to provide them the blessings of resettlement but the curse of concentration camps, shanty towns and ghettos. Sadly enough their apprehensions have become a reality. One cannot expect decent dwellings out of dishonest thought process, dishonest planning and dishonest efforts of a dishonest Govt.
Death By Starvation
            Thus under the command of the dishonest and corrupt system put to use by an authoritarian Islamist regime young Kamal Ji was lodged in the JST quarters. The reluctant state authorities grudgingly continued to supply his ration etc. as they did in the case of the other displaced folks and JST dwellers. But one day with out any rhyme or reason, without any previous notice, even without alerting the neighbors and with clear criminal intent, Kamal ji’s ration supply was stopped. Knowing that the young man did not have any resources to support himself and that he was unemployed and not stable and competent mentally the Govt. still considered it appropriate to deny his ration and leave him to starve to death. In this age no system of Govt. has any right to resort to starving its citizens to death. However, in the present case the J&K Govt. placed the young man in to the concentration camp, then denied him food and killed him. This heinous crime by the J&K Govt. must not go unpunished. Today they killed a Pandit who was mentally disturbed, tomorrow they could do the same to sick, then to the weak and seniors – When is it going to end? Isn’t that exactly what Hitler did to Jews in Germany ? The criminality of this crime is further high lighted by the fact that the Wahabi authorities of the state placed individuals supporting Hindu names as executors of this murderous command. Was it an error in judgment or a strategy to pitch Hindu against Hindu?
Dr. Singh Must Act:
            Diversity-USA demands that the crime of killing this young KP by starvation was committed by J&K Govt. and it must be held responsible and universally condemned for it and Dr. Man Mohan Singh, the Indian Prime Minister, must take swift action for bringing the culprits to book. If Kamal Ji were a terrorist who had crossed over from PoK, the Indian as well as the J&K Govt. would have showered upon him lakhs of rupees, given him a job, land, house and all the other facilities and amenities. Thousands of Muslims have benefited and profited in this way at the cost of the Indian tax-payers. However, Kamal’s major curse has been that he was a Hindu in Hindustan .
            During the past nearly quarter of a century the Indian and Kashmiri authorities have failed to issue a White Paper, conduct judicial inquiry or for that matter any investigation into public executions, murders, rapes, abductions, massacres, ethnic cleansing and genocide of Hindus and Sikhs. They failed to investigate vandalizing and looting of their places of worship and forcible occupation of their properties. These authorities even ignored to enforce the directive of a parliamentary committee for the return of properties illegally occupied by the Wahabis or declare any sales of Hindu properties after 1989 as sale under “duress”. Their failure in these cases itself constitutes a saga of crimes. The question remains if the authorities will investigate with any amount of impartiality and judiciousness Kamal Ji’s murder committed by one of the Govt. Departments.   
Independent Commission should Investigate
            The Diversity-USA warned that if India wants to command any respect in the community of nations it must condemn and punish the perpetrators of this crime and inhumanity. It must also appoint an independent commission to investigate this serious violation of human rights. The departmental investigation as contemplated by the local authorities is insufficient, whitewash and untrustworthy. How can the department that engineered to kill this young KP be rational, judicious and impartial? Won’t it be like “the fox investigating the hen house?”
            Furthermore, how can the Indian Parliament and Govt. appointed Interlocutors, who have recommended establishing a Nav-Srinagar in the Kashmir Valley , supposedly to rehabilitate the ousted Hindus and Sikhs, guarantee that these crimes will not be replicated in the proposed Twin City and that Nav-Srinagar won’t be turned in to the “death valley” by the Wahabis?

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