Hindu Media – A Mirage

via P. Deivamuthu (Editor - Hindu Voice) published on November 5, 2010

On and off, I do receive letters from readers moaning about the absence of a Hindu media. Many times, intensive discussions are held on the net on the subject. Hence, I thought of putting my thoughts.

From my experience as the editor of Hindu Voice and National Spirit, I can definitely say that a Hindu Media is a mirage. A few individuals like me may undertake the work and run the show for sometime, but collective efforts will not succeed, due to the ego problem existing among Hindus. Who will own it and wield supreme is the daunting question.

Before we talk of developing a Hindu Media, we should analyse why the existing Hindu media is not growing or folded up.

1. Jain TV was owned by Dr. J.K. Jain, who was a BJP MP. Why it folded up? Was there any ego problem between Dr. Jain and BJP leaders? Did the BJP leaders think that a media baron may get name and fame and supersede them?

2. Zee TV is owned by Shri Subhash Chandra, a BJP man. Why does it not support Hindutva? Is there any ego problem between Subhash Chandra and BJP leaders? Or is it that Zee TV feels that Hindutva will not sell and they will not be able to survive in the market unless they are ‘secular’?

3. Sudarshan TV is owned by Shri Suresh Chavhanke. His channel is being broadcast but could be seen only in some places in and around Delhi. I met Suresh ji sometime back at Hotel Taj President at Colaba, Mumbai. After checking in, he surfed for Sudarshan TV. When he could not find it, he called the manager and questioned him. The manager immediately called the concerned engineer and asked him to do the needful. Within half an hour, Sudershan TV could be watched in Taj President Hotel, Mumbai. When I met him in his room, I too watched it. But I am not able to watch it in my home. The Multi-System Operators refuse to catch its signal, unless paid in crores.

Recently, I watched his programme BINDAS BOL (say freely) on the net about Soharabuddin case. Sureshji was fully supporting the Hindutva cause. He was supporting Narendra Modi to the hilt. But how many Hindu industrialists or Hindu organisations are going to help him to effectively run the show? Will the Gujarat government or Narendra Modi help him? I am sure, NOBODY WILL.

4. The Pioneer, Delhi, a daily newspaper, is fully supporting Hindu cause. I do not know if any Hindu businessmen or Hindu organisations help it grow. I even doubt whether those Hindus who are active on the net are buying its hard copy, to boost up its sales.

5. There are many magazines being run by Hindus all over the country, in English, Hindi and local languages. Why are they not being subscribed for in lakhs, if not in millions?

6. I have been running Hindu Voice since April 2002, and have launched National Spirit since April 2010. How many Hindu industrialists or Hindu organisations are supporting me. NO BODY (except a few honourable exceptions – some in India and some NRIs).

What I want to say is that Hindus themselves, except a few out of the many who are moaning on the net, do not support Hindu media. Look at the following example.

A few months back RSS Chief Shri Mohan Bhagwat Ji visited Kollam, Kerala. About one lakh Swayamsevak in full uniform attended the function. Another about one lakh citizens also attended to listen to his inspiring speech. Even if 20% of these two lakh start buying Janmabhoomi , a Malayalam daily promoting Hindutva, its sales would boom. But how many Hindus in Kerala buy Janmabhoomi? Compare this with Saamna in Mumbai. Almost all Shiv Sainiks buy Saamna, which makes it not only survive but thrive. Same is the case with other ideologically committed newspapers – be it of Communists, Christians or Muslims. They all buy ‘their’ paper, but Hindus DON’T, because they are ‘secular’. Hindus will buy anti-Hindu papers and watch anti-Hindu Channels, but not those espousing Hindutva. Hindus would prefer to put their moneys in a Hundi in a temple, to be usurped by the Govt, rather than giving it for a genuine Hindu cause or service. Then how do you expect Hindu media to survive, leave alone thriving?

I said collective efforts will not succeed. I have reason to say this. I was the Managing Editor of Hindu Muzhakkam (Garjana), a Tamil monthly launched by VHP, Mumbai. After running it for four years, I had to give up my responsibility, and it became defunct (not due to financial problem), although we got RNI No., Postal Permission, etc. A sense of oneness is lacking when a group is formed. When someone starts working with a sense of belonging, there are a few to demoralise and deride him. This is a general problem every where, I hope. A feeling that the Editor is growing more than the Organisation is lurking among the other members of the organisation, which is but natural.

Many Hindus who talk of Hindu Media are vague and confused – Who will own it? Who will practically work on the project? Who will finance it? What about the risk involved? etc. Many Hindus even think that they have the knowledge/concept and someone should implement it with other’s money. Some even think that everything should be done under their command, except the financial aspect. Simply speaking, Hindus do not want to part with their money for Hindu cause. Nor do they want to read papers and magazines promoting Hindutva to come out of their cultivated ignorance. I have come across Hindus who have discontinued their subscription to Hindu Voice. The reason – when they read Hindu Voice, their peace of mind is disturbed. Yes, telling the truth and the danger that is going to engulf their children is disturbing their peace! Their attitude is like that of a pigeon, which thinks that if it closes its eyes, the cat will not pounce on it!

Sometimes I am pained to see an individual, who a few years ago was a Hindu and converted to Christianity and became a Pastor, has earned name and fame. Not only that, he brings out a magazine of say 48 pages, all in multi-colour, and prints at least a lakh copies and sends them to his followers. In Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh, there are dozens of such Pastors. Every one just forms a ‘Sabha’ and prints lakhs of copies of his Sabha Magazine. Compared to them, I am ashamed of my inability to even survive, leave alone thriving. Definitely, I am not responsible for this, but Hindus jointly are.

One reason for Hindus not forthcoming to support an individual may be that the individual may discard him once he gets name and fame. It has happened in some cases. But unless rich Hindus take the risk of trusting and supporting someone fighting for Hindu causes, how can we build a Hindu Media?

I conclude – Hindu Media is a mirage. It is just impossible. If my belief is turned out to be wrong, I would be happy.

But still there is some silver lining – to take Hindutva messages to millions of people through the electronic media. Apart from Sudarshan TV
I mentioned above, there are new TV channels who are willing to carry our message. A2Z is a news channel run by a Sadak of Sant Asaram Bapu. The RKB Show in Lemon TV (of Rajiv Bajaj) is giving space to Hindutva views. As it is, Aastha and Sanskar channels are carrying Swami Ram Dev’s Bharat Swabhiman’s message. Shankara TV of Kanchi Madam is also propagating Santan Hindu Dharm. With the help of these limited exposure, Hindutva message can be taken to millions. Hindus who are complaining of the absence of Hindu media, should propagate these Channels among their friends circle so that more and more people start watching these channels.

However, having an English TV channel similar to NDTV or CNN-IBN is a far cry. Church Money and Petro Dollars freely flow to them to carry on their anti-Hindu and anti-India agenda. Can a Hindu media expect such a free flow of money from any quarter? Just impossible.

(*Editor, Hindu Voice Monthly & National Spirit Weekly and Founder-President, Hindu Journalists & Intellectuals Forum. All the three entities are working for a single cause – to remove the cultivated ignorance of Hindus and save Mother Bharat).

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