Has journalism become a kind of prostitution

via GSK Menon published on October 7, 2010

There is a great deal of resentment and unhappiness among sane and sober people regarding the grand decline in journalism standards in India. TV & Print media has become the monopoly of a few organisations, who, are being financially controlled by foreign organisations , harbouring, ambitions, to radically alter the religious profile of India.

Irrespective of the subject, there is a pronounced anti-Hindu slant in eyery news coverage. Journalists and reporters who are willing to exhibit this anti-Hindu slant are assured of rapid career progress. Thus, now, the entire field of Journalism and reporting are dominated by anti-Hindu elements. News editors, columnists, sub-editors, news selectors are all inimical to the Hindus.

The average Hindu who is docile, meek and cowardly cannot resist these inimical forces, his voice never gets heard, if he writes a letter to the editor, it will never be published. The readers have no voice, they have to bear the contrived and biased reporting, at all times. The Press Council of India has not made it mandatory that every letter to the editor has to be published at least in the website .This should be a new right to be introduced for the benefit of readers who would like to bring on record gross distortion/suppression of news.

A new concept of “sold news” has now made its appearance. Simply put, you can purchase or bribe a reporter, his editor, and the publishing company to put “paid news”, i.e. distorted news will be published to satisfy certain vested groups.

A very recent example is the Orissa Kandhmal riots. Absolutely distorted news was being injected into the mass media bringing great disrepute for Orissa State, Oriyas and the Hindu population. Nobody was asking the basic question as to what was the interest of some Kerala Christians to camp in Kandhmal and create unrest and violence ? Why did the Oriya politicans entertain these Kerala Christians ? Was any money paid to the politicans ?

Ultimately, the Oriyas have got so much bad name for no fault of theirs. The Kerala Christians have left no stone unturned to heap disrepute on the poor Oriyas. A nun claims rape and thereafter disappears, huts are portrayed as churches and rampant destruction news fabricated.

Why did the Orissa Government not invoke the legal provisions and extern the Kerala missionaries from Orissa ? Did Orissa and Oriyas deserve such bad name because of the mischief created by Kerala Christians ? But no channel or paper was prepared to support the Oriyas. Kerala christians form a strong part of the reporters cadre in all newspapers and TV channels, most of the TV channels are christian funded, huge chains of christian backed NGO’s are working in Orissa to do money laundering and spying on India’s missile launch facilities.

We need to identify such paid news reporters. I am of the view that new terms have to be coined to identify such miscreants. The following terms are useful:

Paid news   =  Jorstitution
Paid Journalist  = Jorstitute
Editor  = Edistitute
TV channel  =  Tartvision
TV journalist  = Tartist

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