Guru Rabindranath Tagore and Swami Vivekananda ‘also’ stated…

via H Balakrishnan published on November 11, 2009

Dear Sir,

Reference Faizur Rahman’s  ” Islamic monotheism is not under threat ” -  (TNIE – 11 NOV).

For starters, Prof. (Dr.) K.D. Prithipal, Professor Emeritus, Professor of Comparitive Religion, University of Alberta, Canada had stated: ” Muslims WILL only live as an oppressive majority and a turbulent minority “. Faizur Rahman has ‘just’ proved the learned Professor ‘correct’ !!

Cheers !!

That apart, Faizur Rahman had quoted poet Rabindranath Tagore and Swami Vivekananda to prove his point. Fair enough. However, it so happens, they had also stated ‘profound wisdom’, which wouldn’t be palatable to Rahman and ilk !!

Here is Rabindranath Tagore on 18 April 1924, writing in the Times of India :

” A very important factor which is making it almost impossible for Hindu-Muslim unity to become an accomplished fact is that the Muslims cannot confine their patriotism to any one country. I had franly asked many Muslims whether, in the event of any Mohammedan Power invading India, they would stand side by side with their Hindu neighbours to defend their common land. I was not satisfied with the reply I got from them. I can definitely state that even such men as Mr. Mohammed Ali has declared that under no circumstances is it permissible for any Mohammedan whatever be his country to stand against any Mohammedan”.

That was in 1924. 2009 is NO DIFFERENT, going by reports appearing in the American media and websites on the ‘ Fort Hood Jihad ‘!! Dr. Andrew G. Bostom, editor of the classics, ‘The Legacy of Jihad’, and, ‘The Legacy of Islamic Anti-Semitism’, had posted in his blogspot, on the Fort Hood Jihad and entitled : ” Which Muslims Share Nidal Hasan’s Vision of Islam? “:

” The Washington Post has published an online gallery of the 50-slide erstwhile “medical grand rounds [1]” given on June 27, 2007 by avowed jihadist psychiatrist Nidal Hasan. Although Hasan merely reiterates salient aspects of classical jihad theory [2] (i.e., see slides 35, 39, 42, 43, 44, 45,  and 49 [3]), this reality is understandably “shocking” to the elites in our media, military, and government who are now so obviously derelict in their duty to have learned what they still refuse to learn about the living doctrine and history of the religion of peace (or peace and love if you prefer Condoleeza Rice’s even more fatuous construction) .Nidal Hasan’s June 2007 presentation concludes, in full accord with classical (and unrepentant, let alone unreformed) Islamic doctrine regarding jihad war, (slide 49 [3])”.

Further, Bostom wrote: ” Usmani [ a former Pakistani judge ] argues that Muslims should live peacefully in countries such as Britain, where they have the freedom to practice Islam, only until they gain enough power to engage in battle. Usmani explodes the myths that the creed of offensive, expansionist jihad represents a distortion of traditional Islamic thinking, or that this living institution is somehow irrelevant to our era”.

Bostom concludes : ‘ The findings from the University of Maryland/ WorldPublicOpinion. org poll are ominous—indicating plainly to any rational mind willing to comprehend—the vast underpinning of support for Nidal Hasan’s orthodox vision of Islam, from the creed’s most respected religious leaders, to ordinary Muslims.  Our  self-righteously ignorant elites—particularly those in political and military  leadership positions—must be held accountable by the American public for their ignorance, and worse still,  deliberate obfuscation of these plain Islamic realities”. I can only say – How very true in the case of ‘DHIMMI’ India also !!

(URL: http://www.andrewbo blog/2009/ 11/10/which- muslims-share- nidal-hasan% e2%80%99s- vision-of- islam/ )

Faizur Rahman compounds the ‘felony’ by quoting Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902)!! Pujya Swamiji, had also stated (all quotes from ‘The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Kolkata, 1985):

(a) – ” The fault with all religions like Christianity [and Islam] is they have one set of rules for all. But Hindu religion is suited to all grades of religious aspirations and progress. It contains all the ideas in their perfect form”. (Vol V1 – pp-120)

(b) – ” A universality that does not preserve individuality is false. Individuality in universality is the plan of creation – -. Man is individual and at the same time universal. It is while raising the the individual that we realise even OUR NATIONAL and UNIVERSAL NATURE. It is because of this spirit of universality that Hinduism HAS NEVER BEEN A PERSECUTING RELIGION”.
(Vol V1 – pp-121)

(c) – ” You know that the Hindu religion never persecutes. It is the land where all sects may live in peace and unity. THE MOHAMMEDANS BROUGHT MURDER AND SLAUGHTER IN THEIR TRAIN, BUT UNTIL THEIR ARRIVAL PEACE PREVAILED”. ( Vol V – pp- 190)

A few words of sage counsel for the likes of Faizur Rahman and ilk, from Arun Shourie, writing in the now defunct magazine ‘Sunday’,in its issue of February 7-13, 1993 :

(a )- Stray quotations cannot be set up to counter the entire life and work of such a man;

(b) – As that life and work is the exact opposite of what you have been propogating [Faizur] , the more you lean on Vivekananda, the more he will recoil on you;

(c) – And finally, never proclaim your intention to quote a man before you have read him!

In an explosive column ” The Clash of Uncivilisations “, analyst Melaine Philips (U.K.) wrote: ” Research by academics at Manchester University reveals that support for the BNP
is highest in areas of high Pakistani and Bangladeshi concentration — but significantly, not where there are concentrations of Indians”. I presume Melaine Philips meant for ‘Indians’ – ‘Hindus’.  It proves (late) Samuel Huntington’s thesis of the ‘Indigestibilty of Muslims’ – ” Militarism, indigestibility are continuing features of Islam and could explain Muslim conflict propensity throughout history “.

Regret to state, I find no difference between the ‘peace activist’ Faizur Rahman and  ‘Jihadi ‘ Major Nidal Hasan .



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