Growth of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti

published on November 17, 2010

Mr. B R Haran’s speech in HJS Website Anniv. program, Chennai

Sri Gurubyo Namah!

Hindu Janajagruti Samiti, which came into being in October 2002, inaugurated its website in 2008. The website, which has been doing yeomen service for the cause of Hindu Samaj since its inception, is celebrating its 3rd anniversary now. While congratulating, appreciating and wishing them for everlasting continuity in their excellent service, we must also know and understand the very hostile environment and tough circumstances under which they have been operating successfully.

The government of the day needs to be successful for the nation to progress. The government will be successful only when it respects the aspiration of the people, listens to their opinions and fulfills its commitments to them. The mass media plays a vital role not only to build a consensual opinion among the public but also to create awareness. Apart from the Print and Electronic Media, Cinema is also categorized as a mass media.  

The illiterate masses blindly believe what is shown in cinemas and televisions and ignorantly listen to what is broadcast in radios and form an opinion based on them. The semi-literates and the literates have access, apart from the radios, cinemas and televisions, to various print media, based on which they form an opinion after debating and deliberating with their dear and near. These opinions play a significant role in the formation of governments after the electoral process.

Therefore, the mass media have an important role to play in the progress and security of a nation, and it is the utmost duty and responsibility of the media houses to function in such a manner, as to uphold the security of the nation and help its progress. Hence, it becomes imperative for the owners and employers of the media houses to be patriotic, for only patriotic people will work focusing on welfare of the nation and will inculcate the sense of nationalism among the masses.

But unfortunately, among the flurry of media houses cheaply spread in India today, we hardly find any responsible and nationalistic media house. May be one or two! The rest are all run in such a way that they damage the nation in all aspects. The main reason for this is that, they are all under the control of alien forces, which aid them financially. Those alien forces misuse these media to create chaos and confusion in the name of “secularism”, “human rights” and “freedom of expression” leading to unrest and separatism.

Those media, not only weaken us politically, but also destroy us culturally. They project our religious traditions, cultural heritage and customs and rituals in a distorted manner thereby creating a bad impression in the minds of younger generation. They sow poisonous seeds in young minds, which later grow into venomous trees! By doing so, those alien forces vigorously attempt to establish their own religions.

The alien forces have been able to either infiltrate or influence the four pillars of democracy namely Legislature, Executive, Judiciary and the Media. The politicians, who are the members of the legislature, act as cohorts to those alien forces on self interests. The members of the executive, who act in accordance with the dictates of politicians, are also self-centered like their bosses and they indulge in corruption and nepotism completely forgetting the interests of the nation. Of late, the judiciary, which is the last resort for the people, is also getting corrupt. The fourth pillar, media, which has the responsibility to investigate, expose and correct the other three pillars, is unfortunately under the total control of the alien forces. All the four pillars, which are supposed to strengthen the structure and bear the house of democracy, are getting weakened by varieties of termite attacks like corruption, nepotism, separatism, etc., etc.

The mass media today is bent upon tarnishing our rich cultural heritage, misleading the younger generation and taking them away from our traditional ethos and causing immense damage to the unity and sovereignty of our nation. In this kind of a perilous atmosphere, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti has been running its website successfully.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the whole world is packed inside the internet today! In the present internet era, every movement and every organization is reaching out to the people through its own website.

Websites are useful in different ways. A nation’s progress could be learnt by visiting its websites in the various fields such as Politics and Governance, Health and Education, Industries and Commerce, Business and Employment, Agriculture and Fisheries, Aviation and Surface Transports, etc., etc.  We can acquire knowledge on the soul of a nation by visiting the websites of its religious and cultural organizations.

For example, by visiting the Politics and Governance section of a government’s website, we can learn about Elections, Constitution, Law, Armed Forces, State governments and their departments. Similarly under the topic of Education, we can learn about primary education, secondary education, higher education, schools, colleges, universities, research centers, libraries, individual professors and students. In turn we can impart to the masses what all we learnt.  

The religious, cultural and spiritual organizations run their websites in the same way. Hindu Janajagruti Samiti is one such organization, which functions successfully by creating awareness among the Hindu Samaj about our religious tradition, cultural heritage, customs and rituals, temples and worshipping patterns, clothes, jewels and wearing patterns and also by inculcating patriotism in the minds of the people.  

The Hindu Janajagruti Samiti serves this nation mainly with six objectives:
1. To create awareness about Hindu issues
2. To Educate about Hindu Dharma
3. To unite Hindus globally
4. To achieve broader social interests instead of their narrow-minded power centric Hinduism
5. To stop denigration of Hindu Dharma (Righteousness)
6. To protect the Nation

The organization has achieved many things through the campaigns and other activities of its website

To name a few:

Within three years of its inception, the website has started attracting more than 1 lac visitors every month on an average. It creates political and social awareness among the masses in a big way through its news reports, campaigns, articles and audio visuals.

Apart from imparting the history of Hindu Dharma, it educates the people in general and younger generation in particular about Sanathana Dharma, religious traditions and cultural concepts through regular articles and audio visuals.

It shows the right path to the people and leads them to righteousness by showing and reporting the important events happening in and around the country and also by quoting the enlightening teachings of noble personalities of our great nation.

It motivates and shows the people the way to participate in Dharmic activities by physical as well as financial services.

It undertakes severe and sustained campaigns against Industrial and Business Houses, which indulge in denigration of Hindu Gods, Goddesses and Sanatana Dharma through their advertisements and product promotions. Through such campaigns, it makes them repent and apologise for their blunders. For example, the campaigns against the Australian Newspaper “Courier Mail”, which denigrated Bhawan Anchaneya, “Frankfurt Book Exhibition” authorities, who blasphemed Bhagwan Ganesh and “Tata Sky”, which equated a cricket match with Mahabaratha, were all successful. undertook successful campaigns against the media companies such as CIA, CNN and B&R, which deliberately insulted us by showing Indian Map with reduced territories.

It has played a very vital role in the banishment of the habitual offender M.F.Hussain, who hurt the sentiments of millions of Hindus worldwide by deliberately insulting and denigrating Hindu Gods and Goddesses through his paintings. registered its strongest protests against the newspaper ‘Deccan Chronicle’, which supported M.F.Hussain and made it to apologise for its blunder. It also protested and at present runs a sustained campaign against Nina Paley’s movie “Sita sings the blues”, which denigrates Ramayana. It is also running a campaign against State Bank of India’s mockery of sacred Rama Sethu and Virgin Mobile’s insult on Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev.

It ran a signature campaign in support of hanging of dreaded terrorist Afzal Guru and collected more than 27,000 signatures and submitted a memorandum to the Honourable President of India.

It also runs a campaign protesting against the release of coins embossed with pictures of Christian Icons, requesting the authorities to stop production and distribution of such coins.

HJS is running a severe campaign against the Maharashtra Government’s proposed ‘Maharashtra Narabali (human sacrifice), Yauvan shoshan (exploitation of adolescence), Amanavi Aghori krutya (inhuman dreadful action) Act, 2005’, which is targeted against Hindus. The Act contains many objectionable sections, which are against Hindu faith. The HJS website has indeed created a huge awareness among the Maharshtrians about this “Black Magic Act”.

HJS has taken an excellent initiative of forming a committee of experts to look into the various distortions and deliberate omissions of our history by NCERT while making text books for educational institutions. This committee in turn helps to carry out sustained and successful campaigns against the NCERT. The NCERT has even gone to the extent of insulting great emperors like Chatrapathi Shivaji and great leaders like Lokamanya Tilak. However HJS has been making the NCERT realize its blunder through its campaigns.

In a joint operation with FACT (Foundation Against Continuing Terrorism), HJS has been organizing exhibitions on Kashmir Genocide in many cities and towns across the country to take the actual facts of Kashmir issue to the people.

HJS has so far conducted 600 Dharmajagruthi Sabas throughout the country successfully.

It propagates the actual history of our Freedom Movement and the details of immense sacrifices made by our Freedom Fighters across the length and breadth of the nation. conveys the true glorious history of the Hindu Chaklravarthis, who established great Hindu Rajyas across Akhand Bharat.

It imparts knowledge about Maharishis, Sidhdha Purushas, great Hindu Sages and Scientists.

The HJS website educates the people about the values of our tradition and culture and teaches how to follow our customs and rituals upholding our glorious and meaningful tradition.

If I start listing out the achievements of HJS and the salient features of its website, it will go on and on. It really gives a great feeling to talk about a Hindu organsation, which runs successfully in a very hostile atmosphere. Similarly, we have many Hindu organizations, which run successful English as well as vernacular websites in their respective states catering to the Hindu Samaj. For example, I can point out with immense pleasure the yeomen service being done by websites like in Kerala and in Tamil Nadu. They not only create political and social awareness, but also impart the glory and sanctity of Sanatana Dharma.

Nowadays we have social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Orkut, etc and many other forums like Google Groups and Yahoo Groups, where we can become members and spread the news about our own organizations, their websites, their achievements and campaigns. In fact, we can create a huge awareness on our Hindu organizations and their activities in such forums. We can also spread the services of these websites through our friends and relatives. It is certainly an ardent duty of each and every Hindu to spread the news about these organizations, their websites and their activities.

Today’s websites have every chance of becoming tomorrow’s mass media. Instead of waiting for an opportunity, it would be better for us to create such an opportunity ourselves, and it would be possible only by propagating our services.

I pray the Almighty Bhagwan for the metamorphosis of HJS website into a great TV Channel, which can branch itself into a number of broadcasting centers and websites later.  My congratulations and best wishes for all the Sevaks of Hindu Janjajagruti Samiti here!

Thank You!

Jai Hind!

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