God is Man;Not Woman- Reaffirms Vatican !

published on May 17, 2008

God not a


Courtesy: Deccan Chronicle



Vatican has ruled out all forms of feminist theology of the liturgy in
Catholicism, saying that God must always be recognised as “Our Father”.
To counter the spread of gender-neutral phrases, the Holy See said that
anyone baptised using alternative terms, such as “Creator”, “Redeemer”
and “Sanctifier” would have to be re-baptised using the traditional
ceremony, the Daily Telegraph reports.

Feminist theology is a movement,
generally in Christianity and Judaism, to reconsider the traditions,
practices, scriptures, and theologies of their religion from a feminist
perspective. Reinterpretation of male-dominated imagery and language
about God is one of the important aspects of feminist theology. The use
of alternative phrases during baptism originated
in North America and started to become popular only in the past few

“These variations
arise from so-called feminist theology and are an attempt to avoid
using the words ‘Father’ and ‘Son’, which are held to be chauvinistic,”
the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith said. The traditional
form of “Father, Son and Holy Ghost” had to be respected, it added. 
The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which is the modern
name for what used to be the Holy Office of the Inquisition, oversees
Catholic doctrine. Pope Benedict XVI, who wrote the latest ruling, has
been a strong opponent of feminism in the Catholic Church.


Surinder Paul Attri’s Take

From Day One of its existence, Christianity was activated as a
Patriarchal form of Ideology. Patriarchy has been the bulwark of
Christianity. It is a legalized form of crime against Woman. It adds to
numerous other crimes that Christianity has committed during the
centuries, in the destruction of learning, oppression of science,
recognized ( and un-recognized ) polygamy of man, denial of rights to
woman, to a share in the government and other shameful deeds of
Christianity. This is what is known as the Christian civilization ( if
you can call it civilization, in reality it is barbarism ).

Christianity is suffused with bigotry, is the enemy of Liberty, and of
the suffrage of women, Christianity has invented things that did not
exist, Christianity has murdered hundreds of millions of Pagan people,
during the campaign of Christianization. Christianity now is trying
spread its prison-house, to the streets of India. It is now trying to
impose its barbarism & injustices upon Hindus, who have never known
these injustices & inhumanities before.


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