Ganga Plan Clean Bowled – Really?

published on September 3, 2014

Ganga Plan Clean Bowled as SC says . . . etc” – ENS/TNIE; 4-9-14

Unholy anti-Modi glee fills the anti-national, alien-owned, Sonia-run Media, like ENS-TNIE.

No one notices or comments about the Remarkable Application of Mind by these Collegium-Chosen Hon’Bulls (& Cows).

They have discovered that it will take 200 Years at the “present rate”, and even their Next Generation will not be able to see it. So do they want the thing to be dropped?

Don’t they take “clean-up bath” every day, and even 200 years from now they will have to do it – if they live of course. These are life-time things, and cleaning up the Ganga is not a Time Travel Process of going back to a pristine past.

We are thankful to the normally (anti-Hindu) The Hindu which mentions in passing that the “The court was hearing a 29-year-old PIL petition filed by advocate M.C. Mehta on cleaning of the river and setting up sewage treatment plants alongside it.” Did the Bench try to find out how many ST Plants were set up after the Petition?

These Benches (maybe Sonia-Cong Trenchers?) squatted like broody hens over the Gaga Nest Egg for all these years and are trying to see if it can be hatched – now that Modi and the Saffron Party is in power and 100 days have gone by.

Maybe these Hon’bull-cows think that Modi should – like the proverbial Gods of Mahabharata – bring out a baby out of a minor girl at the snap of a finger or uttering a Munthra, though they cannot reason out that it will still take years for the baby to grow into a Man, or woman. Nor that the Honbull-cows took 29 years over a Petition, only to postpone to 24th September for some understandable Affidavy Word of Honour from Solicitor General Kumar.

As reported the Honbull-cow wants “. . . . to know how a common man will expect the cleaning process to emerge, . . .”. So they cannot understand Legal Jargon, Technical Jargon or Experts of IIT or whoever is being or has been appointed. They want everything in common man language? Planck’s Constant as brought out in anti-muslim dirty jokes?

Maybe as some reports suggest, The SC wants to “Monitor” the Project – maybe get some retired Collyrium-tainted Hon’bull-cows plum pieces from the Pork Barrel, something they always enjoyed over the last 10 years of Sonia Rule.

One thing is clear – 10 years of dead-rotten stink has dulled the sense so that they are incapable of telling stool from ice-cream – and would rather have it so.

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