From a Violent Anchor to a Silent bystander! – Lessons to learn from Asianet’s Nammal Thammil

via HK Correspondent published on November 17, 2008

For last 2 weeks in Asianet program, Nammal Thammil hosted by Sreekantan Nair saw a topic discussed “Bahubaryathwam in Islam”(Polygamy in Islam). This topic was mainly focused on women’s right and its relevance in Islam. The following were the key things which need to be noted down after observing this debate


  • No non-muslim was part of this discussion other than Sreekantan Nair and another woman who asked a question during the 2nd part of the debate. This aspect aligns with the universal rule, “we will discuss problems in our home without third party help”


  • Sreekantan Nair the moderator rarely asked questions unlike other debates where he jumps in bunch of questions…HE let speakers speak and most of the speakers were fundamentalists.


  • Need for the “Shariat Law was enforced in this debate and debators again and again told they are not ready to follow common civil law if any implemented in country.



  • Some of the debators emphasized the need for multiple wifes to satisfy sexual needs.


  • There were 2 pro reformers in this debate Professor Hameed Chendamangalur and  Suhra teacher from Malapuram who works for helping women suffering from multiple marriages and thalaq. Rest everyone were fundamentalists who were favoring thalaq and multi marriages. 


  • Both these 2 pro reformers were always obstructed and were not allowed to tell their opinon. Many times the voice and body language of other participants towards these 2 persons were kind of violence oriented and intolerant. Most of the audience were silent spectators or supportive of the fundamentalist participants and their views.


Moral of the story for Hindus



  • When issues concerning Hindus are discussed, the participant ratio of anti hindu to pro hindu ratio will be exactly reverse. There will be one pro hindu leader in the debate and all the other participants will be  secular thugs like Sukumar Azhikode, PU.KA.SA Marxist thugs, persons from other religions and faith, atheists who are all anti –hindu and want to ensure hindu faith and culture are tarnished in public. How many Hindus will say that Hindu temple rituals and traditions will be decided by Thantri samaj and believers and not by atheists or secular thugs who issue statements just for publicity?


  • When Women’s entry to Sabarimala was discussed in TV anchor shows(again a women’s right issue), there were a bunch of secular thugs like Sukumar Azhikode, PU.KA.SA Marxist thugs, persons from other religions and faith, atheists who were standing in a line to participate in debate and raise their “secular opinion”  and support women’s right. When a similar program in happening and the religion is Islam, no one has the back bone to come and stand boldly expressing their voice…They may be afraid of their vote bank or monetary benefits receiving from Islam fundamentalists.



  • When Hindus will have the guts to say we will discuss and solve our problems among ourselves and we don’t need any 3rd party help, When we are at the mercy of some one we have no rights to complain!


Hear the 1hr audio and convince yourself.


Multiple Wives for Muslim – A debate in Malayalam

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