Fraud called ‘Sisters of Charity ‘

via Udayabhanu Panickar published on September 9, 2010

My Dear Friends,

In recent days, Sisters of Charity was in the news for two reasons. One, all the Indian peppers were writing cheers for the founder of this so-called charity, which does not do much of a charity work. Mean while an international publication had an article expressing doubts about the conduct of the organization. The article is available at this link

The organization is in India. They never submit for an audit or the government ever asks for one. The organization collects money from all over the world publicizing that they are taking care of the dying, the poor and the sick of Kolkata and India. To get money they put out a pathetic picture of Kolkata, collect money, and make Kolkata and India a very sorry figure in front of the world. However, the funny thing is that the money collected for caring poor, sick and elderly of Kolkata and India never reached Kolkata or India.

Where the money does go? None in India seems to care. But a Cuban American, who was a volunteer at one of the institution of this sisters of charity, towards the end of 2008, and who is one of the people interviewed for the Forbes article has started a move to bring the sisters of charity to account for the money they collect and start function as a charity instead of just pretending to be a charity. He has started a Facebook group called STOP The Missionaries of Charity. The link is

He has also started a petition drive and the link for the petition is:

If any of you like to know more about this subject visit the following site and also read the boo the final verdict written by Dr Aroup Chatterji, who grow up very close to the sister of charity’s Kolkata home base. Meteor Books publish the book. If you are not able to get the book, parts of the book is available at their website. The link is

You may also read the article at this link in this connection.

Kindly join the group to sign the petition and request your friends do so.

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