Forked Tongues of Our “Secular” Edit Writers

published on August 21, 2009


Dear Sir,
Reference your edit ” Independence in Academia” – (TNIE – 21 AUG).
In your usual “Nehruvian secular” style you wax eloquent on a Muslim girl being prevented from wearing the burqa while attending college. That wearing the burqa is an “Islamic statement” is well known, except probably to the Indian seculars!!
Islamic scriptures, especially the Hadits state this explicitly. If only your edit writers widened their knowledge and read Ibn Warraq’s ” Why I am not a Muslim ” , probably – – – -!!
For the record, to cite just one example, among a host of others. Dr. Kalim Siddiqui, the founding President of the British Muslim Parliament, speaking at the Sixth Conference of European Muslims on 18-19 April 1992 said: ” When we walk down in the street, we are just a face in the crowd. But when a woman wears a ‘HIJAB’, she is carrying the flag of Islam. She is making a statement: that this European civilization is unacceptable to us, that it is a disease, a pestilence on mankind.”
In the Indian context, for ‘European Civilization’, Read: “Sanatana Dharma”. Am I off the mark Sir?
But I digress. In a hard hitting Article in a popular website, Dr.Hilda Raja, a Christian and a former professor at the Stella Maris College, Chennai, entitled: “Bible classes and
the right to freedom” , wrote: ” When Hindu students are compelled to attend Bible classes,it is coercion and force: It means denying them their right to FREEDOM. This has to stop: the compulsory Bible classes for Hindu students. It has been quietly going on in every Christian school. In Tamil Nadu, I am aware that in schools run by the minorities, it is again the same story – all have to attend daily Christian prayers. They are even taken to the nearby church for prayers. When the school celebrates Mass on feast days all children have to attend. The schools are government-aided and I do not see why this is allowed. On the other hand, Hindu private institutions cannot compel children to attend Hindu instructions. This has been allowed to go on unquestioned for too long.”
Continuing, she wrote: ” Today with communalism based on creed invading every aspect of people’s lives, Christian schools, evangelists, both missionary and career ones, are geared up with their crusading propaganda. The political scenario is best suited to their insidious designs. Being a Christian/Muslim is being secular; anything associated with Christian and Muslim teachings and propaganda means the spread of secularism. Anything associated with Hindu religion and its religious teachings becomes communal-Hindutva. Hence madrasas are being financed by taxpayer money, and that is secularism. Minority education institutions are aided – full salaries of staff and their pensions are State financed.”
And then, she writes – SACRILEGE IN SECULAR EYES!! :

” Here in Gujarat, my grandchildren are attending a school, Nalanda, wherein an Indian ethos is well maintained, be it in its curriculum, co-curriculum and extra-curriculum activities. No religious instruction is being imparted, but the school environ speaks. Such schools must be opened are in high demand because of their efficiency and dedication to learning.”

(URL: )
Need anything further need be written about the forked tongues of our English media’s ‘Nehruvian secular’ edit writers?
I rest my case.
Vande Mataram


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