Foreign funds and “Harvesting of Souls”

via Bala published on September 19, 2006

The Ministry of Home Affairs has put the proposed Bill in the public domain for comments. The Bill consolidates the law relating to the acceptance and utilisation of foreign contribution or foreign hospitality by individuals, associations or companies and prohibits acceptance and utilisation of foreign contributions or hospitality for conversions and anti-national activities. Christian missionaries and other organisations accepting foreign contributions for mass conversions in India will come under the Government’s scanner as per this Bill.


Daily Pioneer,  September 18th,   2006



Its about the time  ‘NGOS,Activists and Foreign Funds :Anti-Nation Industry’ by Shri Krishen Kak and Smt. Radha Rajan has so incisively brought out 


By way of ‘starters’,here are are a few excerpts from four books, which reveal the extent of the ‘ANTI-NATION INDUSTRY’ that foreign funds are involved in,as also the ‘lack of response’ from our ‘secular’ governments at the Centre.




Excerpts from ‘Will the Iron Fence Save a tree hollowed by Termites’- Arun Shourie (Rupa&Co)


What the ‘Task Force on internal security ‘(Headed by Shri N.N.Vohra, Former Union Defence Secretary) and ‘Border Management’(Headed by Shri Madhav Godbole,Former Union Home Secretary) Noted in their report to the NDA Government.


(A) ‘It is relevant to note that under the FCRA no organization of a political nature,not being a politicl party,and no association,other than the aforesaid organization,having definite cultural,economic,educational,RELIGIOUS,or social programme,can accept a foreign contribution without the prior permission of or registration with the MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (MHA).The law provides for auditing/inspection of the donees’ accounts and ALSO PUNITIVE ACTION FOR VIOLATIONS.’


(B) ‘A number of specific issues were raised with MHA regarding the enforcement of FCRA. WE COULD NOT GET THE REQUISITE RESPONSES ON THE GROUND THAT THE RELEVANT INFORMATION COULD BE SUPPLIED AFTER THE ONGOING COMPUTERIZATION PROCESS IS COMPLETED. This law was ENFORCED 24 YEARS AGO; by now at least the essential data should have been available with MHA. We also gathered the impression that the functionaries responsible for handling this important area of work were NOT ADEQUATELY SENSITIVE TO WHAT EXACTLY IS REQUIRED TO BE MONITORED AND HOW’.


(COMMENT: There are many such strictures against the functioning of the MHA that can be read in the report of the ‘TASK FORCES’. What hope then for optimism on ‘THE PIONEER’ report? More so as the ‘TAMAS-SICK’ Shivraj Patil heads the MHA???)



Excerpt from the ‘Catholic Ashrams-Sannyasins or Swindlers’- Shri Sita Ram Goel,(Voice of India)




The following figures of foreign funds flowing to a few of the Christaian organizations in India during 1986 were provided by the Government of India. There are hundreds such organizations spread all over the country. We have taken the figures from ‘HINDUISM TODAY’ which cited them in its issue of OCTOBER,1987:





OF GOSPEL, A.P.                                      -RS  17,548,000/=



ASSOCIATION,BIHAR                                – RS  5603/=



BANGALORE                                             – RS  6,741,000/=





NEW  DELHI                                                -RS 20,568,000/=





HYDERABAD                                                 – RS 22,092/=




DIOCESES                                                   – RS 57,709,000/=


(If Twenty years back this was the condition, what will it be now?)




Excerpt from the ‘Conversion to Christianity-Aggression in India’-Dr M.S.Srinivasan,First Public Protection Trust


News Report in ‘The New Indian Express’,January 10,1999


‘ The Annual Budget of the Federation of Evangelical Churches of India,earmarked RS. 2.6 lakh SPECIFICALLY FOR CONVERSION of 700 people. Similarly, Friends of Missionaries prayer band, Annual Budget shows that RS.1.45 crore had been spent on conversion of 3400 persons’.




Excerpt from ‘Missionary activity &Secularism :Pope’s visit’- David Frawley (Aacharaya Vamadeva Shastri) Bharatiya Pragna-October 1999,Vol-1 Number-4


“The missionary business remains one of the largest in the world, AND HAS ENORMOUS FUNDING ON MANY LEVELS. There are full-time staffs and organizations allocating money, creating media-hype, PLOTTING STRATEGIES and seeking new ways to promote conversion.The local native religion has about as much chance against such multinational incursions as a local food-seller has if McDONALD’s moves into his neighbourhood with a slick, well-funded advertising campaign targeting his customers. YET WHILE MANY DEVELOPING COUNTRIES HAVE GOVERNMENT POLICIES TO PROTECT LOCAL BUSINESS,THEY USUALLY DON’T HAVE ANY MECHANISM TO PROTECT LOCAL RELIGION”.






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