Fearless Mathrubhumi Editor made Scapegoat

via HK published on December 9, 2008


: Fearless Editor of Mathrubhumi K Gopalakrishnan
is now made scapegoat by it’s MD Veerendrakumar following the secret pact made
between CPM leader Pinarai Vijayan.


Gopalakrishnan was earlier
forced to go on leave and now forced to resign as per the deal between CPM and  Mathrubhumi

Ever since Mathrubhumi
started exposing the corruption of Marxist party including that of Lottery case
and LIS case under Gopalakrishnan, Pinarai Vijayan went berserk and started
abusing Gopalakrishnan even in public platforms.Mathrubhumi office was attacked
by DYFI which only made the situation worse.Stern stand of Mathrubhumi then against  Marxist  highhandedness  and corruption were widely appreciated .


During that period Janathadal
leader Veerendrakumar who is MD of Mathrubhumi and his son also were facing
constant attack from Marxist mouth piece Deshabhimani. In one of its report
Deshabhimani even ‘killed’ one of Veerendrakumar’s living sister!


Now as the Loksabha
election is fast approaching, Veerendrakumar a typical opportunist turned the
plate around and as per the pact made by CPM and Veerendrakumar –
Gopalakrishnan is kicked out and LDF will offer him the Parliament seat in Kozhikode or Waynad.


Following Gopalakrishnan’s
exist, Cesefire came into existence between Mathrubhumi and Deshabhimani as

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