Falsified glorification of Communists by TJS George

via H. Balakrishnan published on June 24, 2007



I find it difficult to believe that a senior journalist like TJS George
could be so naive and ignorant of the track record of the ‘comrades’ from the moment of their inception,to end his ’38 years later,the old hatreds again'(TNSE-24 June) with a plaintive  ‘Et tu,Comrades’?!!

I query George, when did the comrades ever ‘act’ in the ‘interest of the country’?

Is he ignorant of the scurrilous fulminations of the founder of the then undivided CPI,M.N.Roy in his ‘Documents of the History of the Communist Party of India,1971,against Mahatma Gandhi,Swami Vivekananda, Aurobindo,Netaji Subhas etc?

Should one revisit the “Dear Sir Reginald” (Sir Reginald Maxwell,Home Member of the Viceroy’s Council) letters of P.C.Joshi,General Secy. of the CPI,during the ‘Quit India Movement’?

Also,did our comrades not embrace the demand for Partition in 1945-47?Did they not proclaim that India ‘was not Independent’ in 1947?

Did they not start an armed insurrection in 1949 for capture of power? Did they not support the Chinese aggression of 1962?

Did not the CPI support the Emergency?

Did not the comrades sing paens when China exploded the atom bomb and fulminate when India did the same?

The list is endless and continues todate.Their style may have changed with times, not the substance. It suits their ‘interests’ to cozy up with the ‘High Priestess of Renunciation’ for the moment.

‘Et tu, George’?


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