Fabricate a miracle for Teresa

via GSK Menon published on August 30, 2010

The Vatican is scouting for miracles performed by Mother Teresa, the converter par excellence for Christendom in the modern era ! Without miracle proofs she cannot become a saint, in other words the Pope has to be convinced that she is indeed capable of performing miracles, only then they can create a bogey of Teresa the miracle maker and build a massive church in Kolkata for her. Earlier they selected an illiterate lady who claimed that Teresa cured her stomach cancer ! Now Teresa needs more miracle claims otherwise she cannot be elected as a saint ! Even one Alphonsa from Kerala became a saint on the basis of miracle claims.

These Alphonsas and Teresas should be sent to Jerusalem to establish peace there, it is one of the bloodiest spots on earth and has never known a day’s peace since its inception. We don’t need them in India. Teresa was only a cheap bigot who made a multi billion dollar industry for conversion by besmirching the name of Calcutta. Is there no poverty in her native country of Albania ? Not only she chose Calcutta as her conversion headquarters, that bigot set up her office behind the famous Kalighat temple to convert Hindus. She ruined the name of Calcutta by posing and photographing herself in the most shabby and filthy backgrounds, which was eagerly lapped up by the Western media. Is there no poverty in U.S.A., Europe and other parts of the world ? Albania itself is a poor country.

But Teresa wanted to convert, she was a spiritual business woman, nothing else, but she did her job with aplomb. Christianity never had anybody like her, she was an ace converter. But what a pity, in the end she had genuine doubts about the dangling Jew and the truth behind all those fabricated stories about him !

Anyway the Vatican needs miracles, miracle contributors can fabricate some clever stories and make a quick buck in the name of Teresa the miracle maker.

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