“Even the Blind will see- BUT NOT OUR ‘SECULARS’ ” !!

via H Balakrishnan published on October 1, 2008



Reference your edit ” Naveen needs to act now ”

– (TNIE – 01 OCT).



In your anxiety to be balanced (small mercies!!), regrettably, you have ended writing a superficial edit. There is hardly any attempt to go deep into this perennial problem bedevilling Orissa. There are a whole host of open source literature available in hard print or at the ‘click of the mouse’, that will ‘illuminate’ the source of the trouble. But, being ‘ secular , prevents your edit writers from venturing into the forbidden territory, with a predictable hotch-potch coming out as an edit!!



For starters. Christianity does not have a reputation for tolerance and respect for other religions. The Christian need to convert the entire world has been an historical obsession that continues in major Christian fundamentalist groups even today-both Protestant and Catholic. The Christian missionary’s failure to honour other religions, particularly non-biblical traditions, is well-known, with Christians still denigrating the sophisticated yogic traditions of Asia as mere superstition, idolatry, and polytheism. Christian
missionaries are known for using methods that are not always honest, including employing military and political force during the colonial era, to promote conversion.


Their targeting of the poor and illiterate, shows that they don”t like open debates in the light of day. Yet Christians like to ignore such inconvenient facts while posing as peaceful people concerned with human welfare, not with conversion. They are surprised if members of other religions are suspicious of them, despite their considering and condemning these religions as works of the Devil. They are easily hurt and insulted should anyone “question their motives. In the modern secular world, Christians along with Muslims, now demand conversion as a democratic right, even though their religion is authoritarian, and not democratic, accepting only one way; and not honouring pluralism in approaching the “Divine”. They offer no freedom of choice about the “Savior” or the book or the creed that can bring salvation, and there is little tolerance for those who choose another way outside their faith.



Writes David Frawley in his book ” The Missionary Ploy “-


” As a former Catholic, I know in what little esteem the Church holds Hinduism and Buddhism with all their great sages and yogis. Christianity, like Islam, sees tolerance not as a virtue to be emulated but as a weakness to be exploited.Were Christians really to honor Hinduism as a valid religion,all Hindu-Christian hostility could easily come to an end. As long as Christians hold that theirs alone is the “True Faith” and work to convert members of other religions in one wayor another, they should not be surprised if members of other religions do not welcome their presence.”



In an incisive Article in a web based daily, titled: ” How Christian is it for Indians to kill Indians? “,  Anju Prashar  wrote:


” In August 2006, I presented a report to Hindu & Christian national organisations of the UK, mapping out transnational activities of UK & USA based Christian Evangelists in India.In the conclusion of my 2006 report, I suggest that the pace and manner of 21st Century “Church Planting” activity in India – to re-label through conversion, hundreds of thousands of India’s most economically vulnerable populations – would eventually lead to greater social stratification and the spread of social unrest. Unfortunately, we are now beginning to see this social unrest turn into large scale violence.”



Wasn’t this what Mahatama Gandhi also voiced many decades earlier?



David Frawley likens the global missionary ‘business’ to that of an MNC!! Echoing the same, Anju Prashar wrote :


” The scale of financial funds flowing into India for Christian organisations from UK, USA & Germany total into millions of dollars per year, with a significantly marked increasing pattern since 2001.”


Continuing, she wrote:


” The 2006 report also indicates that these transnational evangelical networked missionary operations, have the support of and funding from, key influential political institutions, politicians and church groups of the West. The report names UK based World Vision, Christian Solidarity Worldwide, CARE International, Christian Aid and it’s subsidiary, Dalit Solidarity Network, along with German based Konrad Adenauer Foundation and US based World Evangelical Alliance as some of the largest organisations that support this activity.”



Corroborating the flow of foreign funds, in an Article in the Vijay Times of 19 Feb 2007, entitled: ” NGOs AND THEIR ACCOUNTABILITY “, P.N.Benjamin wrote:


” According to a report published a couple of years ago, of the over 700 NGOs then in Bangalore “perhaps” 50 published their annual statement of accounts! A substantial portion of the funds required
for their functioning come from foreign funding agencies, as revealed by the Home Ministry recently in its annual reports. 600

odd NGOs in BangaloreCity alone received nearly Rs.700 crores in 2005.

Some of the major beneficiaries of foreign funding in Bangalore are: Church’s Concern for Child and Youth Care (CCCYC), Campus Crusade for Christ, Mysore Resettlement and Dev. Agency (MYRADA), Indian Society of Church of Christ, Habitat for Humanity in India, Christian Church in India, Bridge Foundation., Karnataka Jesuit Education , and Veda Vigyan Vidya Pita. Outreach Samuha, Humanistic Inst., Biblical Baptist Institutions Incorp., and Bangalore Rural Edn. & Dev. Society.”


How does it appear to ‘ secular eyes ‘?

  Explains Mangalore, Chikmagalur, Udipi etc??



The Ministry of Home Affairs, in its annaual report for 2003-04 stated:


” A scrutiny of the returns for the year 2003-04, submitted by 17,145 associations, reveals that foreign contribution amounting to Rs 5105.46 crores was received during the year.”




” The list of donor countries is headed by the USA (Rs 1,584.26 crores), followed by the Germany (Rs 757.13 crores), UK (Rs 676.14 crores), Italy (Rs 350.01 crores) and the Netherlands (Rs 304.04 crores).”

All of them are ‘deeply’ involved in the ‘planting of the cross in ‘ heathen land ‘!! Again, ” The list of foreign donors is headed by the Foundation Vincent E Ferrer, Spain (Rs 135.15 crores), followed by World Vision International, USA (Rs 94.36 crores ),Christian Children Fund, USA (Rs 73.59 crores) , Plan International, USA (Rs.57.56 crores),and Missio, Germany (Rs 47.78 crores).”


Are they contributing for ‘universal harmony and peace’?

I wonder!!! And, ‘World Vision’ is mentioned in the ‘despatches from Kandhamal’!!



There are much more such details available , which will reveal even to the blind the diabolical plan underway. But, how does one get to make someone pretending to be blind to see? Like the hypocritical ‘ Indian secular ‘, for instance?



You wrote:


” The Christian community has hit back at this ‘saffron Hindutva’,which militates against Hinduism that believes in tolerance and pluralism”.


John P. Jones in his : ” India – Its Life and Thought”, quotes a Jesuit priest :


” It is a curious fact that the hideous and bloody monster of religious intolerance was hardly known in India until, first the followers of Mohammed and, secondly,the disciples of the meek and lowly Jesus, began to invade the land “.


Hopefully now you know where to look , provided you have stopped pretending to be “blind”!!





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