Evangelists digging the grave of Christians

published on July 30, 2010

After Christening North Eastern States and the murder of Swami Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati, a selfless Hindu seer who was a stumbling block infront of the Evangelists for past four decades, Christian terrorists have renewed their attempts to convert Orissa.

In their Website , Evangelists have outlined their dream to convert Orissa and termed it as Oriss Vision 2020 in their website


Their plan is to reach 1394 Pincode areas by 2020, that means to plant churches in all villages and convert the naive by any hook or crook.

They invite partnership from like minded Evangelists and according to their proposal in their own words

ORISSA VISION-2020 is a Saturation Church Planting programme of India Evangelistic Association. India Evangelistic Association is an indigenous faith ministry working in Orissa since 1984. The primary vision of IEA is to reach the Unreached People Groups and Areas and plant churches among them. IEA is a member mission of India Missions Association.

This is the most important part of ORISSA VISION-2020. As of today there are 1384 PIN Code areas in the ORISSA. All the People Groups, unreached villages, cities and towns, colleges & schools, hospitals, Police Stations, municipalities are situated in these PIN Code areas. Therefore if all the 1384 PIN Codes are reached with the gospel the entire ORISSA State will be reached. Each PIN Code consists of 5-6 villages and incase of towns or cities there are 5-6 localities. However, out of 1384 PIN Code areas about 1,000 PIN Code areas are unreached. This strategy aims at saturation church planting in every village/locality of each PIN Code area.

By AD 2020 every village and locality of every city / town will have a church, which means there will be 50,000 churches. Each Church planter will be responsible to establish 4/5 churches in his assigned PIN Code area. It will not be an impossible task to accomplish! I believe by the grace of God it can be done!!

This gigantic task cannot be accomplished single handedly by a single mission / church. Therefore we invite like-minded missions / churches / organizations / families and foundations to join hands with us. Each mission / church / family / foundation can adopt one or more PIN Code areas in partnership with IEA. They can support a church planter at the rate of Rs.3,000/- (for family) and Rs.2,500/- (single person). Once a congregation is established, IEA will handover the same to the sponsoring partner agency/church/mission, after 3 /4 years. We do not want to build our kingdom in Orissa but our primary concern is to reach Orissa for Christ.

The partner agency or sponsoring body will provide a bicycle and a radio. Bicycle will be the main transportation to move around in the villages for the gospel worker. He will also look for opportunity to gather people in small groups to listen to gospel programmes in radio daily. This will be one time gift.

Once sponsorship begins the following informations will be sent regularly

    * Photograph of the worker / family
    * Monthly report of worker
    * No of houses in the PIN Code area
    * Name of People Groups
    * Map of the area, etc.

Division of area by district:
Each district will have a minimum of 30 gospel workers and incase of bigger districts there will be 36 workers. Therefore each district will have a District Coordinator to Supervise and co-ordinate the work.

The District Co-ordinator (DC) needs a motor bike to move around in the assigned district. This will be an one time gift which will cost Rs.40,000/- (US $1,000.00)

There will be a total of 30 District Coordinators. Therefore we need 30 motorbikes. Total needed: Rs.40,000 x  30 = 12,00,000.00 (US $30,000.00)

The Director of the project is One Dr. P. R. Parichha
His address is
India Evangelistic Association
Kanika Road, Tulsipur
Cuttack – 753 008, ORISSA (INDIA)
Phones: -91 671- 2360841 / 2360793 / 2300983
E-mail: [email protected]
             [email protected]

He is openly seeking Foreign aid for conversion of Hindus in the state. By such aggressive evangelism Christians are digging the grave of rest of their creed as well. Life and service of Swami Lakshmanananda will act as guiding light to Hindus in the area and they never let the Sacrifice of the great seer in vain.

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