Evangelical attempt to brainwash Children thwarted in TN

published on May 20, 2007



Coimbatore: An Evangelical attempt to brain wash innocent Hindu kids in a small hilly village Arugasencheri here has been successfully defeated by local villagers.


Without using violence they extracted apology letter from the evangelist involved and handed over the person to police.


The Police IG was shocked when the villagers handed him over evangelical plans in the name of summer camps – to be held throughout Tamil Nadu and India.


Villagers got suspicious when children wanted to change their names and later refused to participate in local temple festival.


‘Radio was invented by Marconi. Alexander Graham Bell invented telephone. See the name of all great scientists. They became great because they were Christians. If you want to achieve great things in life then change your name and worship Christ’ the children were told.


The evangelical organization calls itself ‘Seva Bharath’ in order to use the good will people have on Seva Bharathi – due to its educational and Tsunami time services.  


Junior Vikatan – a Tamil magazine has brought out the story.


See the Tamil story here:

http://arvindneela. blogspot. com/2007/ 05/blog-post_ 9672.html 

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