“Double Speak at it’s Best”

via H. Balakrishnan published on October 7, 2008






Reference the report ” Orissa violence a blot on Hindu tradition” – (TNIE – 06 OCT).



The sheer scale of the ‘ hypocricy ‘ and ‘ double speak ‘ on display from the speakers, was awesome, to say the very least. Let us do a ‘ Gray’s Anatomy ‘ on each of the ‘worthies’!!



Dr.P.C. Alexander

gave a lesson on ‘ The Story of Civilization ‘. However, what he forgot to mention, was that in return for the ‘ openess ‘ and ‘ hospitality ‘ of my ancestors, they were ‘ repaid ‘ with the ‘ Christian Inquisition ‘ of Goa, and destruction of Hindu temples by Christian iconoclasm!! More than enough details, with references, from primary sources, are available in (late) Sita Ram Goel’s” History of Hindu-Christian Encounters: AD 304 TO

1996 “.

  Mr Alexander in a moment of ‘ selective amnesia ‘  also forgot about the back stabbing of the Malabar Hindus by
the Syrian Christians.



Next, we turn to the ‘ very-very-secular ‘ Shashi Kumar. He blabbered something about the Justice Wadhwa Commission [ Graham Staines murder]. What he ‘ forgot ‘ to tell – a haracteristic of the seculars-  was that Justice Wadhwa, concluded on the basis of evidence: ” There is no evidence to suggest that any of the persons involved in the crime was a memeber of the Bajrang Dal or BJP or any prganization”.



He then mothed the oft repeated ‘ myth ‘ about the Christian population remaining static!! Is it so? Every year Christian churches spend billions of dollars to maintain a head-count of their flock. This aids the massive evangelistic enterprise of global Christianity. The Center for the Study of Global Christianity, at the Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, Massachusetts, brings out the World Christian Encyclopedia (Oxford University Press, 1982; 2d ed., 2001) and World Christian Trends (William Carey Library, 2001). In addition, an annual update of many of the statistics in this report is produced every January in the International Bulletin of Missionary Research.


The 2001 report states that of the estimated 1.88 billion professing Christians worldwide, an estimated 124 million or 6.2% are crypto-Christians or those who conceal their faith.

The existence, indeed proliferation, of crypto-Christians in India is a fact acknowledged by the Church. The World Christian Trends (2001)has placed the number of persons affiliated to the Church in India at 62243546 or 6.1%. In short, the number of Christians in India is nearly thrice the official census figure! The document places the share of crypto-Christians in the total Christian population at a staggering 62%!  So much for Sahashi Kumar!!



The Rt. Rev. Dr. A. Devasahayam needs to be ‘ bluntly ‘ told that if Hindu society was indeed ‘ fascist ‘ in nature, there would have been no Christians left alive for ‘ Harvesting of Souls ‘ in India!! This is the level of depravity to which intellectualism has sunk in India.



Let us now turn to that ‘pretender of a poetess’ and her ‘pearls of wisdom’:  ” Christianity was an important factor in the growth of Social Justice Movement in Tamil Nadu as the Church always had an inclusive social agenda “.  REALLY?



In a memorandum submitted the ‘ Simon Commission ‘, the Christian Depressed Classes of South India wrote:


” We are by religion Christians, both Roman Catholics and Protestants. Of the total population of Indian Christians of the Madras Presidency the converts from the Depressed Classes form about 60%.In spite of our Christian religion which teaches as fundamental truths the equality of man and man before God, the necessity of love and charity for neighbours and mutual sympathy and forbearance, we, the large number of Depressed Class converts remain in the same social condition as the Hindu Depressed Classes. – – -and, the indifference, apathy and powerlessness of the Missionaries, we remain today what we were before we became Christians -Untouchables – degraded by the laws of social position “.



In his essay ” The Condition of the Convert “,  Dr. Ambedkar in 1938 wrote:


” – – There are Brahmin Christians and non-Brahmin Christians. Among the non-Brahmin Christians there are Maratha Christians, Mahar Christians, Mang Christians, and Bhangi Christians. Similarly in the South there are Pariah Christians,Malla Christians and Madiga Christians. They would not intermarry, they would not inter-dine. They are as much caste ridden as the Hindus – – “.



In 1992, Rev. John C.B Webster in his ” The Dalit Christians: A History ” cited a host of empirical studies by scholars which showed that discrimination was continuing within the Christian community. Separate places of worship, separate seating inside the Church, separate places of burial, patronising attitude of caste Christians, social segregation etc.  Equally telling, he cited a number of studies that showed caste continued to play a determining part in Church politics, in Church elections, in promotions within the Church hierarchy.



In 1994, the ‘ National Consultation on Mission ‘ held in Pune, acknowledged  ‘ the sinful neglect ‘ of the lower castes within the Church. Bishop Nirmal Minz reported at the meeting:


” Dalits had thought that Chritianity as an egalitarian religion would solve all their problems. Therefore many embraced Christianity. 75% of the Christians of India were drawn from socio-religious background. But to the utter dismay of the Dalit Chritians, they have not been treated as per their expectations “.



In 1998 at the CBCI conclave in Varanasi, Bishop George Punnakotil reported:


” In recent years the problem of the Dalit Christians is brought to the attention of the Church and state. It seems that the Church has not offered opportunities to the Dalit members to come up educationally and socially. — -  There are few priests and leaders of the Church from the Dalit sections. In the States of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Bihar where majority of the Christians are Dalits this problem is seriously felt. According to reports, 70% of the Tamil Nadu Catholics are Dalits.It is reported that out of the 14 Bishops in T.N. only one is Dalit. The percentage of Tamil priests is only 4%.”



There are enough and more details to demolish our ‘pretender poetess” rants, in Arun Shourie’s “Harvesting our Souls”.


And on 15 Sep 2008, writing in a website, Mr.R.L. Francis, President of the ‘ Poor Christians Liberation Movement ‘ wrote:


” As the menace of conversions is perpetuated with the receipt of foreign funds, the Poor Christian Liberation Movement (PCLM) has steadfastly demanded that the church utilize all foreign funds exclusively for the welfare and uplift of poor Christians who are suffering from terrible discrimination within the community. Indeed , this is the reason why PCLM has been petitioning the Government of India not to appoint Bishops, priests and nuns to official Commissions and Committees, and instead appoint ordinary Christians. The church annually receives so much money that we want the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India (CBCI) and the National Christian Council of India (NCCI) to
set up a Rs. 1000 crore “ Dalit Christian Development

Fund ” to ensure the integrated social and economic development of this huge populace that was lured to Christianity on the promise of a better life. Instead of worrying about their living conditions, the church leadership is interested only in increasing the numbers of its flock.The children of poor Dalit and Tribal Christians do not even complete their primary education. None of the
40,000 educational institutions run by the church give admission to the children of Dalit Christians. Above all, the church should not criticize other religions, as this creates
unnecessary ill-will. Hence the focus on fraudulent conversion and increasing the number of “rice Christians” does not serve the faith.”




Ahem!! But then, one can’t expect anything better from the progeny of a ‘worthy’ who believes ‘Lord Rama was a drunkard’!! Does a gutter become clean just by spraying disinfectant and insecticides?



In conclusion, it is wothwhile taking note of Swami Chinmayananda’s wisdom :


” Personally, I am no advocate of violence. But violence, too, has its rightful place in life, life does not preclude death. The average Indian has been moulded into a particular national mentality of quixotic tolerance – ‘Ahimsa Paramo Dharmah’ — ‘Non – Violence is the greatest Dharma.’ Let us for a moment go to the original sacred verse and investigate the significances of the moral precept: Ahimsa Paramo Dharmah. This is the opening line of a stanza, and the very next line reads: ‘Dharma himsaa tathaiva cha’.‘So too is all righteous violence.’ Indeed, non – violence is the supreme policy to be adopted by man to foster enduring peace in the world; but there are certain dire moments in the life of individuals, as of nations, when we will have to meet force with force in order that justice be done.”

That, I suspect is what happened in Karnataka, Orissa and Jammu. The ‘ secular rants ‘ be damned !! Hindus must have said to themselves – “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH”!!



I rest my case Sir!!








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