Do Hindus have to Celebrate Christmas?

via Dr Babu Suseelan published on December 6, 2010

Few pseudo secular Hindus have written few instructions for Hindus how to celebrate Christmas, and creating Christmas tree in all Hindu families. They have not explained fully why Hindus have to celebrate Christmas and and put up Christmas trees for Christmas. In their  whimsical mood, these phony secularists  declare that should also  celebrates Islamic Eid. Muslims celebrate Eid by killing innocent animals. Hatred of infidels and non-believers is a built in system for Islam and Christianity. Christianity and Islam are closed, non-compromising, dualistic dogmas full of hatred for non believers. Islam believes and practice in murdering Kafirs and Christians call Hindus as sinners and should be forcefully converted. By requesting Hindus to celebrate Christmas, are they  advocating or promoting such rigid-non-compromising dogmas on the throats of Hindus?

One of the bedrock beliefs of most Christian fundamentalists is in the inerrancy of their Bible. Indeed, Bible contains clearly errors, unscientific facts and hatred towards non-believers. EXODUS 20:5 ” I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generations.”  Well, this does not speak very highly of the sense of justice of the supposedly omnibenevolent god.  Of course that’s not the only problem with the omnivolence doctrine, is it?

Bogus Hindus are advocating all Hindus to celebrate Christmas on December 25. Several  scriptural passages prove that the Messiah could not have been born in the winter, on December 25. During Christmas time, millions of pine tree is cut and brought into the house and decorated with tinsel and lights. Nowhere can you find a command to do this in the Bible. santa Clause represent the spirit of Christmas. He is called saint Nicholas, shortened to St.Nick. Nick really is  SATAN THE DEVIL. THIS FACT CAN BE FOUND IN ANY DICTIONARY.

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