Divine scandal, Theological corruption and religious perversity

published on September 24, 2007

Divine scandal, Theological corruption and religious perversity or

Untouchable Gods and Untouchables!


By Shri Veda Prakash



Untouchable Gods” and “touchable dual-believers“: As Indians, we have heard enough about “untouchables”, but have we ever heard about “Untouchable Gods”? No, not at all. But, it appears that the Christians and Muslims are trying to bring such “Untouchable Gods” in India.  The Christians teach Indians that Christian God could be three or one or one-in-three and so on, but the Muslims have been persisting upon the one, the only-one not more or not less!


The Christian God or Jesus Christ could be in different colours but Allah cannot be with any colour. Even, that God may appear according to White white, Black black, Brown brown and so on. But Allah is colourless. Again God can be any racial, ethnic and ideological, but Allah cannot be so! So the Partnership of Christian-Muslim combine gives a “dual” or “untouchable” nature of their Gods! However, they want to in theological company to do divine business of being-together.


They claim about their wonderful concept of eating together to advocate “touchability”, but a Hindu woman would be removed from service wearing a nose-ring, as it could bring microbes! A priest or pastor can lick and give and believers can take, no microbes nothing. Unseen cannot do anything in such cases! Thus, we have suddenly overt-covert, explicit-implicit, open-covered, barren-hidden, naked-covered categories of “dual-believers” with “Untouchable Gods”. Their Gods are “Untouchable Gods”, “Unseen Gods”, “Unheard Gods”, “Unspeaking Gods” and “Untastable Gods”, because, they are beyond the perception of senses of man! Moreover, they openly believe that their Gods cannot help in getting reservation for the potential dalit-converts., but Supreme Court can do. Thus, we are caught between “Untouchable Gods” and “touchable dual-believers”!


Secret converts believers with hidden faith: Can a real convert have any secrecy maintained about his conversion? Having turned his mind away from the Old God to New God, how can he turn again this-side and that-side? What type of “turning” it is? 


Believers with hidden faith! My God, the faith has to be hidden in mind to hold his God tight. Otherwise, he has to cry, “Oh God, Oh God, why you have forsaken me”. Immediately, the Christian partner, Muslim would jump and declare, see, your God is praying to our God only! “Eli, Eli” according to Muslim is Eli-Ela-Elahi-Elohim-Alaha-Allah and so on! Anyway, we need not worry about Eli or Allah or Christ, let them decide.


The usage of expression “Secret converts” appears to be a fraudulent one, as the so-called converts have no guts to believe either the abandoned God or embraced God. Actually, the converting Christians should feel shame about their useless and disgracing act.


Why then they convert and fool the weak-converts, who do not have any mental strength in godly-affairs?


God and religion requires conviction, confidence and belief.


If the converters and converts do not have such qualities, it is not only dishonor and scandal, but also cheating the God himself.


Can any sensible and matured believer or pious one accept such divine scandal, theological corruption and religious perversity?


Western-funded congregations: Let the poor or anybody turn to Mary, Jehovah, Allah or anybody, it does not matter in the globalization of industry and business. But it is ironical, farce and mockery to talk about western funded congregations. To claim that, “This allows them to seek opportunities beyond government sector in the booming information-technology and services industries that put a premium on the westernized outlook and English-language skills”, is again deceptive. The westernized outlook has only corrupted the Indian system, as we see so many ladies going astray.


Otherwise, why a Muslim Liyakat Ali Khan should stoop down to Cyber-sex with all his IT-expertise?


Why the Christian Yacob Saravanan be after so many shady women with the corrupted money, that too, swindled in the name of God.


Does the western-funded congregations offer such sexy-opportunities backed with IT?


Playing double-game to fool two Gods: If the cited case of Venkatesh Gunti is a fact then that person must have been cheater of two Gods. Ironically, he proves that the new embraced or believed God is useless.


It is not understand why he should bastardize his conscience to be with two-congregations?


Why western-funded congregations failed?


Is it not a gambler or smuggler or criminal using two or more passports to go around and fool all?


Why such sinning crooks, wicked frauds and evil villains should be encouraged in the name of God and religion?


The new twist given to Conversion frauds: If a person echoes hiding his Christian faith, “The government is forcing us to lie“, what sort of Christian is he? Shame, instead of that, he can be kicked out of Christianity by a true Christian. This type of theological frauds, double-cross cross-bearers can cross anybody at any time. It is a great sin to blaspheme the Christ crucified on the cross, if at all, a Christian believes in the Christ or God. That he is maintaining “double-life” is gross manipulation of religion and he is not all religious then. His pleading or blurting out “Whatever the consequences, God will take care of us“! Which God would take care of him? The past God, present God or future God? What nonsense is it? Who is making him to lie to the government, to the God and to himself?


If the Christian God or Islamic God cannot do how Indian Supreme Court can do? Paradoxically, it is mentioned repeatedly that it has been petitioned to Supreme Court, it is currently reviewing several challenges filed by Christian and Muslim Dalits etc. , shows the super-duping theological fraud.


How the Supreme Court could be superior that Christian or Islamic God?


When the Gods, with whom the new converts or secret converts or covert-coverts rely upon, pray him openly or secretly, or at least believe him staunchly, why that the Christian and Muslim leaders go on approach the Court and Parliament with political pressure instead of God-power?


They unashamedly and immorally prove that the Political Power is superior to the God-power. As otherwise, the leaders who talk nonsense or fool all with all their sermons etc., must quit their bogus-life and die on the Cross!


Religious frauds depend on frauds only: Yes, the cat is out again! “Indian groups have tried for decades to win a similar exception for Christianity, which is believed to have arrived in India when St. Thomas disembarked in Kerala in the first century“. When they could not believe the Gods, why then they believe that some thing came to India exactly in the first century and so on? How that it exactly disembarked embarking everything? And it should choose only Kerala? Excellent! Already we have seen a gang of frauds – Ganesh Iyer alias Acharya Paul etc., colluded with Arulappa, Deivanayagam etc., in the case of “St. Thomas fraud”. Arulappa and Acharry Paul had been fooling with Retzinger and successful in appraising the then Pope also about their wonderful fraudulent research carried out in Tamilnadu! Shame, these guys do not bother about the High Court proceedings etc., as they perhaps, only believe in Supreme Court. They do not worry about “the Day of Judgment of God”, but in the “judgment of man”.


The Dalits – the main source of potential converts! Wonderful, at lest, they have confessed that they dealing with “Dalits” only as commodities and not as human beings! After all, they talk in globalization terminology, western-funded congregations, booming information-technology and services industries, premium on the westernized outlook and English-language skills. What more is required for the “Dalits” to be rated, treated and traded? Vey potential in deed and that too the main source, so that they can become the main source of potential converts. After assessing, considering or branding them so, why they worry about their double-life, double-act, double-cross etc?


Partnership in outsourcing – Joseph D’Souza and P. K. Ahmad Sabir: After all the globalization, westernization and industrialization have to work with God also. When God can be sold through cyber-space, why not through Supreme Court or Parliament? Definitely, the useless Gods, in the sense, as the Court and man-made law are believed, could be sold out and the main source of potentiality could be concentrated. After all these “Dalits”: have to be in a state of “duality” as has been confessed by the Christian and Muslim authorities. If they win in the Court, they can be Christians or Muslims overtly or covertly Hindus or vice versa. If they loose, no problem, as stated! So it is a game of “head or tail, we win game”. Let them play, the partnership. Only thing is the poor “Dalits” have to be outsourced to outreach!


Appeal to Westerners, Western media and Western Intellectuals: It is requested that the westerners, western media and western intellectuals be objective to the Indian issues and present the facts correctly without any bias, prejudice or pee-determined mind-setup. Try to respect the feelings of the others also. By mere propaganda or sheer media-power or absolute-influence do not try to overwhelm and overpower Indians with muscle-twisting theology or ideological religiosity. We know you can make Jesus Christ to come with AK-47 or any advanced machinery, as the missionary is ready with “liberation theology”. And of course, your Partnership may wage crusade-jihads for which the gullible, naïve and innocent Hindus are no match. Do not exploit SCs / Harijans etc., by calling “Dalits” or converting poetically as you proudly announce. If you bully Supreme Court with international power, then, what type of judiciary, we can expect? If you intimidate Indians with your economic threats, terrorize with fiscal sanctions, oppress with financial controls and suppress by all means, who are oppressed and suppressed? Do not make mockery of theorization with ideological and verbal terrorism. If you want Super Gods, Superlative Gods, Supreme Gods, please have them, but do not suppress and oppress with such Gods. Do not make our Gods oppressed and suppressed! Be honest and satisfied with your jealous, aggressive and envious Gods and we are happy with our “DALIT GODS”.


With such “DALIT GODS”, we continue to live as “DALIT INDIANS” and “DALIT BEILEVERS” with self-respect and honour, but we would not be “dual-believers” or “believes with hidden faith”.


 As Swami Vivekananda proclaimed, we declare our religion and faith on our foreheads, in ears and noses.

   Yes, every limb, blood, nerve, cell, DNA etc., would live and die with open belief – exhibited in stones and trees, hills and mountains, rivers and oceans and of course – men and animals, monkeys and elephants.

   Do not worry about our idolatry, but try to cleanse your mind.

   We are proud of our religion in consistent with nature – living and non-living. Be satisfied with your “theological-haves” and do not worry about our “theological-have-nots”!


This with reference to several articles appearing in internet, as my attention has een drawn my attention to them:


The Untouchables In India, `Untouchables” convert to Christianity – and face extra bias

Yaroslav Trofimov

The Wall Street Journal online

September 19, 2007

Dalits Situations in India

Mukul Sharma

Heinrich Boll Foundation

DAlits get ready for class-caste war

Runko Rashidi (Posted by, as claimed)


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