Dirty face of Christian propaganda Exposed

via HK Correspondennt published on November 23, 2006

The Christian way of reporting news is not new in our country. We come face to face with it almost daily. The only difference being that its covered and hidden well by the cloak of secularism and leftist ideology.

Recently a Christian magazine reported that a Christian worker was arrested after he was found selling Christian literature at an evangelical programme in Orrisa attended by over 10,000 people. Christian bookseller arrested at festival, The report categorically mentions that he alone was attacked by a group of Hindus for selling a particular book.


Now the other side of the story, Let’s have a look into the contents of the book entitled Oh,You Hindu,Awake which was circulated by these Missionaries in their Mela.( The link is provided not for spreading the meesage of the book but for making Hindus in general to be aware of this book and to protest the selling of this book anywhere in Bharat or in the countires you reside in.)

This was the very  a very distasteful book that is sold at various chrtistian meets and later they monger before their western Masters that Hindu Fundamentalists attacked them!

The book goes to defaming Lod Ram and the Ramayan story. It also attacks other Gods and Godesses.


Despite repeated complaints of books of these being sold the authorities have failed to take any action. Even arrests of pastors and missionaries who distribute books of this sort is treated as minority attacks in Bharat.
This book is sold in many languages at different conventions and missionary programmes. This book was also circulated by the Christian Mafia Centre in Muringoor in their Journal Vachanotsavam.


We appreciate the effort of the Hindu Jagaran Samukhya in coming forward and protesting the sale of this book.

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