Dhimmitude in our Medias

via H.Balakrishnan published on November 6, 2006

The Articles on the Sachar Committee Report,published in TN Indian Express,display the behavioural pattern of a good part of the non-Muslim world which is explained by ‘dhimmitude’.The wounds inflicted by centuries of Islamic rule on a large segment of the Indian intelligentsia and the political class have been so debilitating that they continue to live in a state of constant fear. All this has left an indelible mark on the psyche of the Indian intelligentsia, especially the media. This dhimmitude, is rooted in fear of Muslim violence.


As the veteran journalist,Mr. M.V.Kamath recently wrote about our ‘secular’ English media: “Only a professional psychiatrist will be able to anaylse the anti-Hindu mind in certain sections of the English media mostly run by Hindus themselves. How does one explain ‘minoritism’ as professed by the English media? It is as if the Muslims can do nothing wrong and the Hindus can do nothing right. What is this mentality prevailing in a section of the English media? It will be argued that taking a pro-Muslim stance gives credibility to the English media’s ‘secularism’. This at the cost of ‘truth’?The desperation of some of our media intellectuals to be known as secularists is so great that they would rather damn their own forefathers and current Hindu contemporaries to win brownie points to the point that they would suffer any insult hurled at Hinduism gladly”.


‘Bleedingheart’ Rajinder Sachar is doing ‘JUST THAT’, and regrettably, so too the ‘TN Indian Express’.

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