Deceptive, Deliberate and Disingeneous Denial of “Hindu Holocaust” by Marxist Vijay Prashad

published on September 26, 2009

My Rebuttal to News India-Times

Narain Kataria

Prof. Vijay Prashad’s article in last week’s News India-Times that Islam in India did not spread at the point of sword, is based on the false assumptions and is devoid of factual data. His thesis seems to be largely motivated by his malicious attempt to obscure and falsify the Indian history. Prof. Prashad’s outrageous assertion not only misleads the Indian public opinion, it actually insults the country’s nine hundred fifty million majority Hindus who have been at the receiving end for so long. To say the least, Prof. Prashad’s premise is completely preposterous nonsense.

People with Hindu-sounding names like Prof. Prashad who masquerade in our community as intellectuals are actually diehard Marxists who suffer from the deep inferiority complex. They subconsciously hate themselves and their fellowmen and are ashamed of their glorious Hindu ancestry. After the comrades were universally discredited and the worldwide Communist movement collapsed, the Indian Communists have now established a sinister nexus with the Jehadi Islamists in subverting Indian polity.

India’s History is testimony to the fact that the Islamic period in our nation’s life was a dark and dismal period so far as the Hindus are concerned. For them, the Muslim rule brought untold sufferings and deadly suffocation, and invited fierce resistance from Hindus. Vandalism and senseless destruction by Muslims of the Hindu property and religious places was so vast in magnitude, so stark in its evil and so vulgar in its nature that it demands an eternal condemnation. The painful saga of the trauma and torture suffered by millions of our forefathers must be told and passed on to our children and to the rest of the world. They must be told the truth and nothing else but the whole truth.

Hence, there is a great need for building the Hindu Holocaust Museum . And, valiant Francois Gautier, the noted journalist from France has provided a lead in this direction and taken up the project of erecting one in Pune , India .

So bloody was the Muslim rule in the country that a noted Islamic historian Abbas Khan Sherwani has proudly recorded about one incident in his chronicle Tarikh-i-Farishtah: “The Hindoos were pursued and slain by (Muslim) allies with such success, that the river was dyed red with their blood. Over one hundred thousand (100,000) infidels were slain during the action and in pursuit.”

As apart of this chain of cruelty and terror, the Mogul king Jahangir forced the fifth Sikh Guru Arjun Dev to sit on a burning hot plate. While this inhuman act was in progress, the hot sand was simultaneously poured over his body. This beastly behavior was justified by the Muslim clergy because the sacred Guru tried to protect the hapless Hindu public from the senseless Muslim tyranny.

Indian history’s Muslim period was full of such terrible Islamic acts: The tenth Guru Gobind Singh`s two sons were bricked alive, brave Bhai Mati Das was sawed alive when he refused to convert to Islam, Guru Teg Bahadur Sahib was viciously tortured and finally beheaded by the Islamists.

Even in our own living memory in 1947, the Muslims forced upon us the partition of our Motherland. Muslims everywhere gleefully boasted and warned Hindus: “Hans ke Liya Hai Pakistan , Ladke Lenge Hindustan .” (We took Pakistan with ease; now we’ll take India by force.) To support that assertion, a reign of loot, kidnappings, murder, rape and terror has been unleashed against the Hindus and Sikhs and Buddhists. Through the conversions and killings, the Hindu population in Pakistan has been reduced from 23% in 1947 to 1% in 2009.  In Bangladesh, the same is reduced from the formidable 35% in 1947 to a mere 8% in 2009.

In Kashmir, more than 400,000 tortured and terrorized Hindu families had to leave their ancestral homes and hearths to take refuge in India . Over 3 million people were killed in Bangladesh in 1971 during the military action by Pakistani army; 90% of them were Hindus.

Muslims are tirelessly working – openly and brazenly – to convert the rest of India into “Dar-ul-Islam,” the nation of Islam. The mega-size daring attacks in Mumbai, bomb blasts in Coimbatore, Godhra train massacres, the terrorist attack on National Parliament in New Delhi, attacks on the historic Amarnath Temple and on Akshardham temple in Gujarat all point clearly to that grand Islamic design of establishing Nizam-e-Mustafa, or the rule of Allah in the Hindu land.

In the face of such voluminous and irrefutable evidence all around about the Islamic brutalities and barbarities against the hapless Hindus, Comrade Vijay Prashad is vainly trying to whitewash the wanton cruelty and rapacity of Islamic rulers in India. He is shamelessly acting as a stooge and apologist on behalf of the Islamists. Comrade Vijay Prashad has stooped so low that he has actually made himself the laughing stock in eyes of all those who know India ’s true history!

At this moment, there are one billion Hindus all over the world.  They are smart, intelligent and rich and understand what is good for them.  It is time for this one-sixth of the humanity to stand up in solidarity and gratitude with Mr. Francois Gautier. Six million Jews were killed by Nazi Germany and there are now hundreds of Jewish Holocaust Museums all over the world. Whereas, more than 40 million Hindus have been slaughtered in course of the last 1400 years and not a single memorial in their memory?  What a disgrace!

At this time we Hindus must come out in droves and congratulate Francois Gautier who has displayed a rare foresight and vision to build a Hindu Holocaust Museum in India in memory of these 40 million Hindus who had to fall victims to the historic brutality of unimaginable proportions.

The courageous Mr. Gautier deserves all out gratitude and generous help from the general Hindu public…while the selfish and the lowly individuals like Comrade Vijay Prashad must be heaped the universal condemnation for their anti-Hindu phobia

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