Crores flow to SIAF accounts for Baptising South Indian Tribals

published on January 1, 2015

Thrissur: It has been reported that the Christian congregations are in receipt of large amounts of foreign funds, all in the name of baptizing members of various tribes. It has also been reported that South India has a number of special groups specially constituted by the Church and entrusted with the task of receiving foreign funds in order to usurp Adivasi territories, there by strengthen religious conversions.
According to sources, an organization named SIAF or South Indian Adivasi Federation handles the task of beguiling the guileless Adivasis and garnering them in Christian fold. They receive funds for the same. The operations of SIAF are well crafted too. SIAF gets in touch with various tribal leaders of South Indian states like Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, ropes them into their network and gets their devious agenda executed through them.
In Kerala, the group functions under the name of Adivasi Forum, with their work being monitored by Neethivedhi (Justicefront) in Wayanad. Neethivedhi’s ’s agenda is crafty enough- they have around 40 Adivasis, who work as field staff, whose work is spread all over the state. The forum promises free legal aid to Adivasis and using their field officers as bait. Engaging Adivasi field officers makes the task easy for these conversionists- they find it easy to worm their way into Adivasi settlements through them. Sources indicate that Neetivedi gives exaggerated reports of conversion and procures fat resources as funds.
The condition of Adivasi field officers is even more pathetic. They are paid a paltry four thousand rupees every two months this, only if they come up with ample number of cases for conversion. The amount is reduced if the entrusted target is not met. The field officers are mainly women. However, those who earn a fat monthly income are all said to belong to the Christian community.
It has also come to light that leaders of Adivasi Forum are being used as bait for conducting various surveys for Neetivedi. As eye wash, social programmes like medical camps, awareness camps, tuition classes etc are conducted. These are cleverly transformed into reports seeking aid. Reports state that Christiain congregations take advantage of the misery of Adivasis, procure crores and yet use a sparse amount on their welfare. The Adivasi leaders who are used craftily as bait by Church leaders, are sadly unaware of the foreign funding pouring in, all in their names.
A large amount is also spent on conversion activities via churches. Earlier the conversion movement was headed by SIAN (South Indian Adivasis Network). However, Adivasi leaders are said to have objected to many of the moves made by leaders of Church congregations. It was following this that SIAF was formed in 2010.

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