Communist’s heartburn over Hindu Missionary ISKCON

published on December 25, 2010

CITU has opposed AP government’s decision to hand over the mid-day meal scheme in Schools to ISKCON from January 1 – News Report


In the garb of opposing ‘ruling party’ interference of Hindu Temples, hypocrite Communists who champion the unsecular usurping of only Hindu places worship by the Government has successfully pressurized the government to wrest the running of Meal scheme from the ISKCON as they fear Hinduism to gain by the meticulously missionary zeal and dedication of ISKCON that has spread the Gita throughout the world winning converts.

The real aim is to beaureacratize the meal scheme, and check the Hindu missionaries from running them.It should be noted that Marxists wouldn’t dare to interfere in the Church charities the same way, nor Christian workers be so gullible to allow that.

The Hindu organisations have every right to run their own Charity since the money belongs to the Hindu Community.Regularization and monitoring are not excuses for the State to usurp or deny that inalienable right.

Tirumala Tirupati and Sabarimala must be the in the election Manifesto of BJP, for a return of control and reforms by Hindu Religious and community Body set up under eminent and impeccable citizens such as former Judges and luminaries.

The irregularities and the dire need for reforms is strongly felt by all Hindus cutting across class-caste divides, especially after the Kalahasti Zigurat collapse and Sabarimala gaffes.

The Christian Missionaries are alarmed at the increasing Seva projects and spreading zeal among Hindus which would easily eclipse and defeat their evangelism through abuse of Charity.

Hence, the Marxist rant and drive to deprive the Hindus of level playing field.

This report just confirms the Marxist heartburn to the rescue of Evangelicals who feel a threat in ISKCON.
This Communist hypocrisy confirms the Marxist heartburn to the rescue of televangelists, and misleading manipulation of Workers’s concern to drive out committed volunteers of a Hindu missionary body.
Hindu organisations must launch Free Temple agitation before the elections in a grand and befitting manner.Since its a Vote splitter, one could obtain concessions easily from every quarter.

In fact its during such times that Hindu organisations fail to lure nor apply pressure at this most vulnerable moment of the anti_hindu politicians and parties.

Hindus must be asked to vote for those who would save Sabarimala and Tirumala from further degradation due to bureacrtaic and unsecular state abuse of Hindu places of worship and the loot of Hindu devotees offerings.

A demand in the form a Charter to constitute an autonomous  Hindu eminent Citizens-run  Dharmic Board must be made in return for Hindu electoral campaign support.

This is the time to obtain the liberation of Ayyapa and Balaji’s shrines from the corruption,loot and murky desecrations, and devotees would gladly like to hear the stand of those who run to cajole and fall at their feet.

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