CNN-IBN documentary glorifies Jehadi terrorism

via B.R.Haran published on August 31, 2006

Chennai:CNN-IBN pseudo secular channel is now all bent to glorify the Jehadi Terrorism.It  was shocking to see a documentary on the world’s most dreaded terrorist Osama Bin Laden titled “In the footsteps of Bin Laden” aired by CNN-IBN channel on Saturday the 26th & Sunday the 27th of August. 

 It is a surprise how the authorities gave permission to the channel to telecast such a documentary. The documentary, which was aired as a ‘CNN Exclusive’ had a lot of footages from ‘Al Jazeera’.  

It may not have much impact in western countries as the Muslim population is on the lower side and their politicians do not indulge in minority appeasements in the name of secularism. Whereas, in our country, where we have almost 15 crore Muslims & especially at a time when the innocent Muslim youths are being misled to the path of extremism by organizations such as SIMI, Al Umma, TMMK & NDF, this documentary would definitely have a terrific impact and will only help to pace up the  recruiting process initiated by Jehadi terrorist organisations. 

The time chosen by this channel to telecast this program, especially in the aftermath of Amsterdam incident, Mumbai blasts & Vande Mataram controversy, shows its intentions, which amount to glorifying terrorism & going against the interests of our nation’s unity, integrity & security. The channel owes an answer to the people of this country & this move deserves to be condemned by one & all.


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