Church Testing Waters

via By Synonymous published on September 2, 2008


is testing the waters in India again. After their ‘successful’ harvest in the North Eastern states of India , Vatican is testing the response for an aggressive harvest in Orissa. Logistically there is plenty of advantage for Vatican to accelerate their sinister religious conversion process in the East of India. Nagaland, Mizoram and Meghalaya are already in their hands. Communists in West Bengal and Muslims in Bangladesh wi ll only help them in case of any need. And with the new friendly Prachanda government in Nepal and a Chinese dispensation in Myanmar it has also got plenty of easy escape routes and supply lines.  Abundance of Adivasis, the favourite ‘guinea pigs’ of the Pope, makes Orissa most vulnerable. Little do these poor Adivasis realize that like in Africa they will be left with the Book and the Bishops will take their lands when the harvest is complete.

The few hardcore Orissa Christians, led by their commanders from Kerala, were looking for an opportunity to avenge the death of their tainted Staines , and huge crowds during Janmashtami provided a good opportunity for the brutal murder of an 80 year old Swami Lakshmananda Saraswati. The way they did it shows the kind of terrorism and violence that is hidden inside the long robes of their Pope, Cardinals and Bishops. After all, this very same dispensation led the days of Goan Inquisition and Crusade Wars when Christians ‘saints’ like St. Francis led their crowds in burning people alive and forcibly drowning the non-believers in baptism water. The same fervor and violence is still hidden in20all these Fathers & Brothers who are having a good time in the hundreds of Seminaries with Wine, Wealth (and Women also).  The violent ways of their raping & killing their own Missionary Sisters, which comes out occasionally in Kerala, is an indication of the true colours of Vatican ’s catholicity!!  

The war is on and Kshatriyas of modern Kalinga have responded effectively to the violent attack on their leadership. Unlike Ashoka, they should carry on the campaign to its logical end and put an end to forced and lured religious conversion once for all.  Repentance and remorsefulness like Ashoka (and Lord Budha) will only result in the extinction of Hindus from East of India. Bhagawan Krishna and Bhagavat Gita must be their guiding lights. Evil demons in robes and perpetrators of violence must be punished and eradicated fully. They must get NOT another opportunity to ridicule our faith and kill our leaders. Those who have opted for violence first must be finished off till their very last. That is the true Dharma of followers of Sanatana Dharma in the sacred land of Orissa .

On a longer time frame, it is high time the leadership of Sanatana Dharma realized the real threat from Vatican . It is equal if not more than the eternal threat from Pakistan and its followers in India . LTTE is their creation and in states like Kerala they are already challenging elected governments. The war must be taken to the other side. We should not allow the dictates of Pope, who is the Head of State of a sovereign nation, to run a parallel system of governance in India . We should NOT allow the Cardinals in India , who are citizens of this country, to participate in the election of next Pope. There should be protest, demonstrations and PIL cases against such special privileges enjoyed by this unpatriotic and anti-national crowd in India .    

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