Church sponsored Prostitution-New way for Conversion!

via HK published on October 24, 2007

Thiruvananthapuram: The raid in a Christian destitute home here reveals the new modus operandi of Church to promote Conversion.


The Missionary Charity home based Prostitution under the leadership of a 65 year old Nun-exposes the true colour of their Charity.


The institution ran by hugely funded foreign money and Grants from Government, were utilizing prostitutes for their evil aim of Conversion.


Lure the men by showcasing their commodities-Then accuse them as sinners-Then preach the way of Jesus as the only way to escape from their committed sin!


Government should probe the immoral activities going on in Church based destitute homes. Now a days it has become a fashion for Government’s Sishu Kshema Samithi to happily pick kids from the streets and pass it to such Notorious organizations.


This is not the first time Church based sex scandals are propping out. Reports on how Nuns and Kids from Charity homes were sold to foreign countries for menial jobs and flesh trades were in the Media few years back. More shocking revelations has come out after the death of Sister Abhaya and Muringoor Mafia Centre mass killing.

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